※ The names of the items and places are temporary translations and may be changed upon the release of official translations.
A new boss item, Leebur’s Gloves, has been added to Black Desert Online KR. Its basic Evasion is very high and you can get the Set Effect by wearing Leebur’s Gloves with any other boss items just like Bheg’s Gloves.
At PEN, it has 62 DP, which is 2 more than PEN: Bheg’s Gloves, and has 25 Accuracy, which is 25 less than Bheg’s Gloves. However, it has more Damage Reduction and Evasion than Bheg does; PEN: Leebur’s Gloves has 33(+103) Evasion, which is way more than Bheg’s 26(+78), and its Damage Reduction is 29(+17), which is only a bit less than Bheg’s 34(+19).
Leebur’s Gloves may have high Evasion and DP-based efficiency, but many players seem to question its actual efficiency. The current trend of gear sets on BDO KR is based on having high Accuracy, but equipping this would give you 25 less of it. Many players say it is hard to find any benefit in giving up on Accuracy for Evasion (unless it was Damage Reduction you had to give up instead) since everyone is going for high Accuracy and it has become hard to depend on having good DP based on Evasion.
However, seeing how the first player opinions were negative with Urugon’s Shoes, which has become the top gear over Muskan’s Shoes, the majority’s opinion on Leebur’s Gloves may change in the future.

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Comments :6
level 1 ShimrraFiril
Thank for the information. Sorry if I missed something, but : how can we drop this new boss item ?
level 1 Yullie
@ShimrraFirilHi, you can only check the item information of PEN: Live's Gloves at the Marketplace as of now. The item has not been physically added to the game yet, so we do not know how to obtain this item yet :(
level 1 ShimrraFiril
@YullieOkay :) Thank for precision and again one time, thank for all your posts on this new region.
You and your mates are a great help for us. We can discover, prepare and help our communities to discover this content thanks to you.
level 1 xAzta
Just a correction. It has less DR than Bheg's gloves.
And no idea what's the purpose of this item. Everyone is shifting to DR meta already, evasion became a meme.
level 1 aqua995
Interesting, if I had to bet, I would have bet that they will bring Gloves with Attack vs all Species or straight up AP.
If I want defensive from my Gloves I would go Rocaba Helm+Gloves or Heve.
The purpose of them obviosly is a defensive alternative that doesn't break the boss set effect. Good item overall, but nothing to be to crazy about it. Will definetely be played in certain builds.
level 1 aqua995
With the recent changes and the importance of GS, Gloves that trade Accuracy for Evasion seem to be the way to go, but losing half of your Accuracy from Bhegs is still a lot.Right now I have TET Rocaba Helm+Gloves and TRI Boss Helm+Gloves. Thinking about slowly getting TET Helm and then Livre Gloves, giving me the same GS but with Accuracy instead of Evasion or even going for Taritas/Zereth Gloves instead to max GS.Definitely a good and really viable item in this new meta of GS.