New Drieghan Accessories Released in BDO - Belt is perfect for balance set and the Ring is better than Ring of Crescent Guardian


※ The names of the items and places are temporary translations and may be changed upon the release of official translations.


Further details on the new accessories in Drieghan have been revealed in Black Desert Online. The 3 accessory pieces are: Ring of Gaktum's Obedience, Pupil of the Ruin Ring, Orkinrad's Belt.


The Ring of Gaktum's Obedience is a blue accessory that can be looted in the Red Wolf Den. It has 5 AP, 2 Aaccuracy, and +1 Additional Damage to Monsters. When enhanced, AP and Accuracy increase by 2 and Additional Damage to Monsters by 1, which makes it a better item than Mark of Shadow but not as good as Ring of Crescent Guardian.

The Pupil of the Ruin Ring is a yellow accessory dropped in Tshirah Ruins. It has 5 AP and 2 Accuracy, and once enhanced, both AP and Accuracy increase by 3 and Max HP by 25. Its stats make it a superior to Ring of Crescent Guardian with additional HP effects, and it has 20~20 AP, 12 Accuracy, and +130 Max HP once enhanced to PEN.

The Orkinrad's Belt is a yellow accessory that can be looted in the most difficult grinding spot, the Grave of Sherekan, in Drieghan. It has 7 AP, 2 Accuracy, and has both AP and Accuracy increase by 2, DP by 1, and Max HP by 25 when enhanced. Its AP may be high at its base level, but its enhancement increase rate is rather low, having 3 less AP than Belt of Basilisk when enhanced to PEN. Because of this, Orkingrad's Belt can be seen as an item for a PvP balance set with DP and HP, along with moderate AP. As for DP, all the Damage Reduction and Evasion is applied as just Evasion.

There is one thing special about Orkinrad's Belt; you can gain this item not only by looting but also by putting them together. You can randomly get Orkinrad Shard - Metal Ornament & Leather Knot when you are grinding in the Grave of Sherekan, and putting these items together will give you the belt.


▲ The Ring of Gaktum's Obedience is a blue accessory with Additional Damage to Monsters.
▲ The increase rate for AP and Accuracy when enhanced is the same as Mark of Shadow’s.
▲ Pupil of the Ruin Ring has the same basic stats as Mark of Shadow and Ring of Crescent Guardian.
▲ It’s easier to think of it as a Ring of Crescent Guarding with extra Max HP.
▲ Orkinrad's Belt has higher AP than Belt of Basilisk or Tungrad before it is enhanced.
▲When enhanced, it gets additional 2 AP, 1 DP, and Max HP.
▲ Putting Orkinrad Shard - Metal Ornament and Orkinrad Shard - Leather Knot together will give you a complete Orkinrad's Belt.

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