On the 6th of March, at the Gangnam Nexon Arena, the 31st day of the 2018 LCK Spring Split took place. During the series, Khan played his signature champion, Jayce, to play out a very powerful and aggressive laning phase in game 1. In game 2, Khan finished the game with no deaths.
The following is an interview with Khan.

How do you feel taking down SKT 2-0?
The results of our practice on patch 8.4 were very good. I'm really happy that we were able to win on stage as well.
How did your team prepare for their match against SKT today?
As for the midlane Sion, our coaching staff recommended it to us after analyzing games from overseas. He's also great to play in the toplane for his strong laning phase. In addition, Sion constantly applies pressure to his enemies with his ultimate. I haven't played him in the midlane before, but it's definitely viable because the champion itself is just really good.
What do you like about patch 8.4? Is it a good patch for your team as a whole?
I'm really liking the fact that you can now snowball much quicker with Baron buff. I think it's a good patch for us since our team is so specialized in having a strong laning phase.
Did you expect to win so quickly today?
No, I have not. The flow of today's match really went in favor of us.
Is toplane Galio a viable pick in patch 8.4?
It's possible.
Even aside from Galio, we have a lot of new champions that we've been preparing to use in 8.4. I'm practicing with an open mindset.
Can you tell us in detail on how you've been taking care of your health?
I'm currently doing a lot of running because I've found my stamina to be too low. Once I get my stamina up to a certain point, I'll start doing full-scale workouts.
During the post-match interview, the SPOTV caster gave you an 'enter' key as a gift. How do you feel?
I'm worried that SPOTV had hidden an assassin near me. (Laughs) I received an 'enter' key from the fans as well.
Your next opponent is bbq Olivers. You've lost to them in Round 1.
I want revenge against them. I also want to further solidify our 1st placed lead in the standings.
Any last words?
As a professional gamer, being skillful is important - but so is taking care of one's self. I'll make sure to pay more attention to my health from now on. Thank you for always cheering for us.
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