Following very weak performances that saw the team dropping to last place in the 2018 EU LCS Spring Split this week following losses against Team Vitality and Unicorns of Love, Schalke 04’s coaching stuff went on the organization’s official Twitter to issue an official apologize to the fans for the current situation, going as far as calling it a “complete embarrassment”, before taking the blame for themselves, saying that “If this is what we produce on stage after 7 weeks then we have utterly failed.”
Harsh words, but which may reflect some feelings surrounding the organization, who re-entered the EU LCS one year after its relegation full of expectations, especially after the acquisitions of players considered to be under the very best at their respective roles, such as Kiss "Vizicsacsi" Tamás, Erlend "Nukeduck" Våtevik Holm and Oskar "VandeR" Bogdan. With the line-up rounding up with upcoming talents in form of jungler Milo “Pride” Wehnes and ADC Elias "Upset", allied with an experienced coaching staff led by Mitch “Boris” Voorspoels, Schalke was set to fight for a spot at the Finals in Copenhagen.
However, that is not what happened. Despite a decent start to the split, the situation rapidly deteriorated, with the team being able to claim only one win – against Misfits – in the last 6 matches they played, putting themselves into a very delicate position for the playoffs’ fight. With a difficult schedule until the end of the regular season – which includes games against Fnatic and G2 Esports – Schalke 04 need to undergo through radical changes to have even a slim chance to lock a top 6 spot. But maybe this statement gives they renewed strength as we head to the final stages of the regular season in Europe.
Check out the complete statement:
"This weekend was not only disappointing but also a complete embarrassment. We did not come to play on stage and can offer nothing more than a sincere apology to our fans. If this is what we produce on stage after 7 weeks then we have utterly failed. The Coaching staff should be the first to take ownership here, it can not continue like this."
(Photo courtesy of Riot Games)
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level 1 Yunnuri