Today, High School Esports League announced that they will be adding three new games to their line up, after just adding more games for their majors this spring. HSEL has been looking to add new games since the start of the Fall Majors, and has been listening to the community closely on what they would like to see.
The community outcry has been heard! HSEL will be adding Smash (WiiU),DOTA 2 (PC), and Heroes of the Storm (PC). The schedule is as follows for the games being added to the already huge line up for spring.
Mondays - Overwatch, Rocket League, and Smite
Tuesdays - League of Legends and Call of Duty Call of Duty World War II
Wednesdays - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Heroes of The Storm and Injustice 2
Thursdays - Hearthstone, Rainbow Six Siege, and DOTA 2
Fridays - Paladins, and Smash
Saturdays - League of Legends, Call of Duty World War II, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Overwatch, Rocket League, Smite, Hearthstone, and Rainbow Six Siege
Sundays - Paladins, Injustice 2, Smash, Heroes of the Storm, and DOTA 2
HSEL will be putting a prize pool behind all these games that are in the Majors. The official details of the prizes have yet to be announced. It is best to assume that the prizing will be in form of scholarships. HSEL does plan on streaming more of the games to Twitch to bring in more people in High School to the community and get involved. We also have recruiters that are constantly looking at all the teams of all skill levels to recruit for their Varsity and Junior Varsity Esports teams in colleges around North America.
All you need to sign up is to make a club that is sponsored by a teacher. By signing up down below you make your first step towards participating in an already competitive Esports scene for High Schoolers. Clubs are normally accepted and approved within 24 hours.
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