Kang “GorillA” Beom-hyeon said that he was able to let go of the pressure on the winning streak because of the loss against bbq Olivers.
On the 28th of February, in the 2018 LCK Spring Split, Kingzone DragonX (KZ) defeated MVP 2-0 and recorded their 9th win. GorillA played Leona and Tahm Kench to provide strong CC chains and to protect his allies well.
The following is the interview with KZ supporter, GorillA.

Q. You won, how do you feel?
I didn’t think we could win easily, but it’s a relief. Game 1 was a bit frustrating at first, but we were able to overcome it.
Q. You lost against the bbq Olivers. How was the team atmosphere?
Everyone felt the pressure the winning streak was giving us, although no one really talked about it. After the loss, we were completely free from that pressure. We talked about starting all over. We also had some condition, health issues, and I think we were lucky to have some time to overcome the problems.
Q. The middle ranked teams are following up close. You really needed the win.
MVP is one of the lower ranked teams. If top teams lose to the lower ranked teams, they allow pursuit. Luckily, we won today. Since all teams are good, we’ll be working harder.
Q. Leona is appearing quite often against Rakan recently.
Leona is a traditional counter against Xayah-Rakan. We also had Galio so we needed a champion that can go in along with him. Since there is a way to counter the counter, I think whoever has better hands will win the Rakan vs Leona fight. (Laughs)
Q. You lost the Infernal Drake to Poppy’s ultimate in game 1.
Both teams were confused because of the long pause and chronobreak. If the opponent took the drake, it would have become 3 infernal drake stacks for them, so we really had to stop them. However, our shotcalls went two ways, so we lost the drake. It wasn’t Peanut’s mistake. It was the team’s mistake so we need some feedback on this after getting to the team house.
Q. Is there any matchup that you have high expectations on or especially worried about?
Not much expectations. I’m just worried about our teammates. This split had the most unexpected results in my LCK career, I’m worried that one or more teammates might start swaying in all the unexpected events.
Q. Do you have any last comments?
I don’t think we won with ease. We’ll prepare more and mend our flaws to play our best in the upcoming match against Kongdoo Monster.
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