A new Anemos costume set for Striker was added to Black Desert Online KR. Each class now have the Anemos costume set except for the Mystic and Lahn, which includes the helmet, and the armor which fills the space for armor, gloves, and shoes. Also, the Anemos set for Striker has a special feature, of which the gauntlet, vambrace, gardbrace do not show when the costume is worn.
The other features of Striker’s Anemos costume is that it comes with a gleaming golden armor. The upper part of the armor is mostly the golden plates with golden feather ornaments going around the shoulder and waistline. The helmet also has golden feather ornament on either side, which can also either opened or closed like any other helmets for male classes. The bottom part of the body is covered in silver plates, and the cloak has two different fabrics draped over the shoulder.
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▶ The Anemos Set for the Striker

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