On the 27th, at the Gangnam Nexon Arena, the 26th day of the 2018 LCK Spring Split took place. On the 2nd series of the day, ROX Tigers defeated KT Rolster, the 2nd placed team in the LCK standings, with a score of 2-0. ROX fought constantly; showcasing firey fights one after the other. In the end, they pushed themselves to victory. In today's match, Sangyoon Flashed in at a very important time to catch the enemy DPS champion off-guard and killed.
The following is an interview with Sangyoon.

ROX Lava: "I learned a lot from watching Faker and Bdd play Zoe"
It was a one-sided victory. How do you feel?
I initially thought that we'd have a hard time, but my teammates played really well. I played every match carefully... I honestly didn't think we'd win such an important match today...
Your enemy was KT, the 2nd placed team of the LCK. Were you confident at the beginning?
Putting confidence aside, we had to win today. We would've lost all hope had we lost today. So I told the team, "let's try our best to win today with a score of 2-0."
In a previous interview, you said that you considered your team to be a "regelation" team. What changed?
Every bottom team's characteristic is that they often go for a Baron attempt without planning ahead. Nowadays, we're planning things one at a time. I think that's how we improved.
At a very important time, you flashed forward and used your ultimate to kill Deft. Did you study his plays beforehand in previous KT games?
While on our way to the stadium today, our head coach mentioned Deft and a previous game of his. A similar situation happened today, and it reminded me of the KT-JAG match. Lava told me that he'll force Braum to get his shield on cooldown, and that's how I was able to make that play.
I heard that you suffered recently due to enteritis. How's your health?
Since our match with SKT, I suffered from enteritis for about a week. I had to play on stage, but honestly, I really wanted to be hospitalized for treatment. However, I'm fine now. My physical conditions today were really good.
I was under a lot of stress because I couldn't eat...
Key has been playing a lot of Thresh recently. Isn't it worrying as an ADC to have Thresh as a support?
He played Thresh really well during practice. He was also very confident in receiving the MVP title while playing that champion. Key played what he was confident with, so I wasn't worried.
In game 2, you played Tristana. What caused your team to pick that champion?
I practiced her frequently before today's match. I never played her against an Ezreal before, but since Tristana is a pick that snowballs well from early advantages, I played her in the same way that I did during practice.
The topside of ROX Tigers has been playing extraordinarily well compared to last year. As the oldest player in the team, what kind of thoughts did you have while watching the others improve?
Honestly, it's about time that they played well. I also worried a lot in the past. Now, I have to worry about myself... (Laughs)
For how much longer do you think ROX will maintain this winning streak?
I think our match against KZ will be a difficult one... but every other team, I think we'll have a good chance. During our previous match against SKT, my conditions were a bit disappointing. This time, I'll do my best to win.
Our next opponent is bbq Olivers. Whenever we win, we get overexcited. This time, we'll try our best to remain calm and continue our winning streak.
Your signature pick, Kalista, has recently been hit with a nerf. What do you think about the changes?
Personally speaking, with her changes, I don't think Kalista will ever make an appearance in competitive play. I don't she'll be usable due to her E skill's mana cost. She no longer has any advantages over the other ADCs aside from being able to save the support from time to time.
Any last words?
I think everyone played well today. We secured an opportunity to reach further into the competition. I'll do my best.
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