Overwatch Contenders Update:
As we announced in December, the Overwatch Path to Pro program has been significantly expanded for 2018. By embracing regional leagues and launching new ones, Overwatch Contenders is now operating in North America, Europe, South Korea, China, the Pacific region, Australia, and South America.
To find out which teams are locked for Season 1, either through direct invitation or by purchasing a slot from an invited organization, head to our new website, contenders.playoverwatch.com, and select a region. While you’re there, check out the schedule. Competition begins March 11.
For more information about Overwatch Contenders, check out our latest blog: https://overwatchleague.com/news/21508787.

Overwatch Contenders Trials/Open Division Update:
In December, we launched our extended Path to Pro program with the 2018 Overwatch Open Division Season 1 sign-ups—and players overwhelmingly heeded the call. More than 17,000 heroes worldwide signed up to test their skills in an organized competitive setting!
Season 1 ended on Feb. 11, which means it’s time for our first Contenders Trials of the year. Contenders Trials is a promotion/relegation tournament which, in its first iteration, will allow the best-performing teams out of Open Division the chance to elevate themselves into their region’s available Contenders slots. In future Contenders Trials for each region, top Open Division teams will battle the least successful Contenders teams to try and capture their slots.
To see which Open Division teams will be competing for a place in their region’s Contenders via Contenders Trials, Feb. 12–March 4, and more, check out our latest blog: https://overwatchleague.com/news/21508788.
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