AMA with Pine - Ask Anything and Win Free Blizzard Balance!

Greetings, gamers!

So many stars have created countless thrilling highlights in the Overwatch League, where only the best out of best come together. The tanks who did not hesitate to crash the enemies with their bodies, Zenyatta taking down enemy DPS with godly aim, and Mercy turning the game around with her resurrects, et cetera; there’ve been a whole lot of exciting moments.

The most amazing ones would have to be the plays made by DPS players. Tracer’s dazzling moves, Widowmaker’s headshots, and McCree’s incredible performance were the best parts of the Stage 1.

Well, what Pine from NYXL did certainly stood out in this aspect; the way he got triple and quadra kills all by himself in Control maps surely had more impact than any other players. Any team that has Pine won’t be able to regard him just as a sub.

Many Overwatch fans must be curious about Pine’s whereabouts since he has mostly played in only Control maps- so here is an AMA Inven Global prepared with Pine (Do-Hyeon Kim)!


The AMA with Pine will start on February 19th 6:30 PM PST (9:30 PM EST, 11:30 AM KST) in the comment section below this post and will be held live for about 2 hours. The answers to all questions will be answered by Pine himself, so feel free to ask him anything you wanted to know about him! Literally, ask him anything, from his gameplay to anything personal like his hobbies.

Of course, feel free to leave questions before the live AMA starts since Pine will be answering them as well!


Also, we’ll be giving out free 20$ Blizzard Balance codes to 10 random people who take part in our AMA!

Thank you so much for your interest and support for Pine and Overwatch <3

※ The AMA with Pine is for people from all around the world, and the answers will be given to him in English. We would appreciate it if you leave comments in English via Google Translator for those who would like to check them out. (파인 선수와의 AMA는 전세계의 유저를 대상으로 진행 중이라 영어로 답변을 드릴 예정입니다. 구글 번역기 등을 활용하여 가급적 영어로 질문을 남겨주시면 이를 확인하는 많은 분들에게 큰 도움이 될 것으로 예상됩니다.)

※ Inven Global’s AMA Event with Pine

- This event is for everyone who participates in the AMA with Pine via the comment section of this post.
- Prize: $20 Blizzard Balance Codes (10 randomly chosen people)
- Event will be held until February 20th 15:00 PST.

※ Important notice regarding event prizes

- Blizzard Balance codes are for the North American server and cannot be redeemed on other servers.
- Blizzard Balance will be provided in a code format via the e-mail address you registered with at Inven Global website.

JOIN: AMA with birdring- Ask Anything and Win Free Blizzard Balance!

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Comments :125

Best Comment

  • 4

    level 1 R_Bee

    If you could make a character of yourself on Overwatch, what would your abilities and ultimate be?
  • 0

    level 1 lina_gunarso


    What is NYXL doing in stage 2 to ensure that they will win the title?

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      Flexible strategies that can back up our weaknesses

  • 1

    level 1 Hendrick_Chan


    Hi Pine, who is your favorite hero to play just for fun?

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      Hanzo and Torb

  • 0

    level 1 Tanky_Chan


    Which team do you think will be the toughest match for NYXL?

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      No one? Houston maybe

  • 2

    level 1 Cheyenne_Chua


    Who's the teammate you get along most with?

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      Flower and Janus

  • 1

    level 1 Nancy


    Any advice for aspiring Pros?

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      First, you have to be 100% sure that this is the job that you want. Being a pro is not easy. It will be harder than you thought it would be, and you have to be very determined.

  • 1

    level 1 ONandOFF


    Who do you enjoy duo/trio/group with and why? Best of luck in the next game Pine ! ! !

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      I don't play much duo/group.

  • 1

    level 1 Jennifer_Ang


    Hi Pine, what's your favorite Mexican food? How often do you eat them?

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      Nachos. I eat them once or twice a month.

  • 1

    level 1 jelybins


    1. Is there any reason why you picked “Pine” as your ign?

    2. Is there a hero that you’re comfortable with playing but can’t play it on stage?

    3. What is the difference between duoing with Libero & Saebyeolbe? Do you have to change playstyle to try to match theirs?

    4. In your opinion, the best hitscan player besides you?

    All the best in Stage 2!!
    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      1) A friend of mine recommended that ign.

      2) Doomfist

      3) The team comp is more stable when I duo with Libero.

      4) Likzer

  • 0

    level 1 GoodMagicalM


    1)How do you get picked for NYXL?

    2)Do you like your teammates and who do you hate?

    3)Have you ever been top 20 in any season?

    4) whats you highest rank?

    5)Why did you choose the name pine (is it pineapple pizza?

    6)Ever get a 6 man high noon?

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      1) Team NY contacted me first and my whole team (LW) decided to join since it was a good opportunity for us.

      2) I like my teammates :)

      3) Yes
      4) Top 5 was my highest rank

      5) A friend of mine recommended the ign Pine

      6) Yes, once in the Practice Range.

  • 0

    level 1 taletoki


    What is the biggest challenge for you personally or NYXL as a whole shifting off the Mercy meta and into quad-tank/Moira Lucio?

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      Nothing really :)

  • 1

    level 1 Knuda


    When did you first think "Damn, I'm good at FPS games" ? Any tips besides playing a lot?

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      When I killed 8 people in TF2

  • 1

    level 1 AFireInAsa


    Hello, Pine!

    1. Are there any players you've looked up to in the past that inspired you to get as good as you are?

    2. How much do you think your TF2 experience has helped you in OW?

    3. What's your favorite thing you've discovered in America?

    Thanks for your time!

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      1) Faker (League pro). Being the best in the world can be a huge pressure, but Faker manages himself very well.

      2) Yes, it helped me a lot.

      3) The weather in LA is fantastic!

  • 1

    level 1 Mythbustman


    Thank you for doing this ama! I have a few questions for you:

    1. Who do you admire in OWL?
    2. Who is not in OWL do you think deserves to be in OWL?
    3. What do you like from living in the USA?
    4. Do you miss living in South Korea?

    5. What will your team do to ensure that you guys will win the stage 2 title matches?

    Thank you for answering the questions!

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      1) No one.

      2) Dafran, choihyobin

      3) The weather!

      4) My friends and my parents :(

      5) More flexible strategies

  • 1

    level 1 Zephyrruss


    What was the biggest struggle or change when going from tf2 to overwatch and how fast did you adapt to overwatch

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine

      @Zephyrruss I didn't play as a team that much in TF2, and it took me about a year to adapt to Overwatch 
  • 1

    level 1 TerrayyDank


    Any tips for playing hitscan with a higher sens like you do? What mouse grip do you use?

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine

      @TerrayyDank Getting familiar with the sensitivity you are using is the most important thing. I use palm grip.
  • 1

    level 1 hello


    1. What's your nickname meaning?

    2. How and when did you start overwatch?

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      1) A pine tree?

      2) I heard that a game like TF2 is coming out, so I decided to give it a try. I saw Seagull playing Overwatch and it looked really fun.

  • 0

    level 1 Nick



    What is your favorite movie that no one else appreciates as much as they should?

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      I don't enjoy watching movies :( I haven't been to movies theaters in 3 years lol

  • 0

    level 1 djuwita_widjaja


    Hi Pine, can you tell us the story of getting chosen for NYXL? Any advice for other Overwatch players to go pro?

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      Team NY contacted me first and I decided to join :) Being a pro is going to be harder than you think it would be.

  • 1

    level 1 Arrow


    I'm super inconsistent with McCree, Are there any tips that you can other than "just play more" to help me land my shots?

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      Prediction and positioning. If you practice your aim a lot, you will be better for sure!

  • -4

    level 1 ToxicCuck


    Have you ever considered going on a diet.

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      I don't know lol

  • 0

    level 1 ReaperOfFates


    Is there another player in the league that you look up to?
    • 1

      level 1 NYXL_Pine

      @ReaperOfFates No one, cuz I'm the best haha
  • 0

    level 1 Annule

    Did you ever get to join -AA-?

  • 0

    level 1 Nyao


    평소에 연습은 어떻게 하며 연습량은 얼마나 되나요?

    • -1

      level 1 GoodMagicalM


      The AMA with Pine is for people from all around the world, and the answers will be given to him in English. We would appreciate it if you leave comments in English via Google Translator for those who would like to check them out

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      About 8 hours a day. I play competitive a lot, and review my gameplay.

  • 1

    level 1 Nyao

    How is the practice usually done and how much time do you practice?

  • 0

    level 1 Cherry


    What do you think about your shoulder?

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      Broad and strong

  • 0

    level 1 Bob_Liang


    Hey Pine, I was wondering how your warm up looks like and long it takes.

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      I warm up in custom games

  • 0

    level 1 Zelniq


    I remember seeing you in a sick highlight video from a different (Korean?) FPS game years ago, but I can't find it. do you have a link?

    • 0

      level 1 KittyKing


      Was it maybe tf2?

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      I'm sorry :( I have no idea which video you are talking about :(

  • 0

    level 1 loogg


    what do you think of NYXL team?
    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine

      @loogg I don't know how to put it into words... 
  • 0

    level 1 Luis_Susanto


    What do you think of the franchising system? Do you think it will help the team gain more local fans in New York rather than other cities?

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      I think it's a good system. It will help Esports to grow bigger, and I'm happy that there are a lot of Koreans in the league.

  • 0

    level 1 js3106


    Do you use ur fingers when you aim? I aim with my arm and wrist as well. However, I am using my fingers when I do some small-flicks and I wonder if it's ok. Sometimes I feel my aim lacks consistency because of this habit.

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      I only use my fingers when I click on the mouse buttons. I move my mouse with my arm and wrist.

  • 0

    level 1 ChimpMobile


    What are some of your favorite foods that you've eaten in the United States? Have you visited any cool places in your free time here?

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      Nacho :) I visited Santa Monica once and it was really beautiful

  • -1

    level 1 Errorpodo


    NYXL won regular game but NYXL lost the title match to London.

    What do you think the reason?

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      We weren't flexible enough with strategies

  • 1

    level 1 Nick_Zanze


    steak dinner or italian?

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine



  • -1

    level 1 Serara


    Why lowering resolution when playing overwatch?

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine

      @Serara I just prefer lower screen resolution :)
  • 0

    level 1 Inki


    Which tank(s) do you prefer to play with and why? 
    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      D.Va, because her mechanics are similar to Genji's mechanics

  • 1

    level 1 Forumzeon1


    Choose one non Korean player, and one Korean player that is not in OWL to bring into NYXL

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine

      @Forumzeon1 Hm... I can't think of anyone particular right now 
  • 0

    level 1 Stealthy_Bird


    What do you like most about living in LA so far?

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      The weather here is amazing

  • 0

    level 1 Gary


    if ilios was "your" map in stage 1, what do you think will be "your" map this stage?

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      Not really sure... Volskaya?

  • 1

    level 1 Maysong


    Hello Pine!

    1) If you can bring one player to your team, who do you want and why?

    2) Who was the scariest player for you to play against during the first stage?

    3) I enjoyed your dab performance during matches! Do you have any plan to do more performances like that in the next stage?

    Thank you!

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      1) Can't think of anyone right now

      2) Carpe

      3) I'm working on a new performance for the next stage xD

  • 0

    level 1 Keisuii


    What's the hardest thing for you to get used to after moving to LA? What's the most different from what you'd do in daily Korean life?

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      Jet lag, and being so cold in the morning&night and so hot in the days. The language that I use is the most different from my life in Korea.

  • -1

    level 1 BeatBlueOW


    Who is the best western hitscan player?

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine



  • 0

    level 1 Gravity_Salad


    Hey Pine, who are your top 3 players that you think should be in Overwatch League but aren't, and why?

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      Dafran and choihyobin

  • 0

    level 1 wildcard


    Hi Pine! Congratulations for top record in Stage One! Who do you see as the top DPS players in the league besides yourself?

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      Birdring and Linkzer

  • 4

    level 1 R_Bee


    If you could make a character of yourself on Overwatch, what would your abilities and ultimate be?
    • 1

      level 1 NYXL_Pine

      @R_Bee An OP character with a lot of invincibility skills!
    • 0

      level 1 R_Bee


      You are OP!

  • 1

    level 1 th0tslayerr


    What is the most underrated team in the league? Who is the best mccree other than you? Who speaks the best English on NYXL?

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      Florida Mayhem. Undead and Birding. Ark speaks the best English in our team.

  • 0

    level 1 JavaScript


    What task, in-game or otherwise, fills you with either glee or dread at the mere concept of being the one to do it? (Side question; what has got to be your most memorable pick/kill?)

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      Working out :( My coaches sometimes tell me to work out...

  • 2

    level 1 metoolio


    Hi Pine,

    NYXL is my favorite team!

    Do you miss Korea much? What is your favorite thing about US?


    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine

      @metoolio I miss my friends and my parents in Korea a lot :(

      The weather in LA is amazing.
  • 1

    level 1 GlodTheImp


    As a professional who plays the game a lot, how do you prevent burn out and stay at a top level of play? Also will you be playing more maps in stage 2?

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine

      @GlodTheImp I get a good amount of rest regularly. I don't think being a hard worker everyday is a good idea. 
  • 1

    level 1 Chris_Winata


    What is your favorite moment or match in OWL Stage 1?

    • 0

      level 1 NYXL_Pine


      When I got a quadkill during the match against London in Junkertown.

  • -2

    level 1 DjNaste

    What about the name "Pine" appeals to you more than the name "Chicken" ?

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