SKT T1 defeated KSV 2-0 on Sunday (KST); they delivered an awesome performance, as if they wanted to show the world that they’ve never been in a slump. After the match, we met with Faker and asked him about Kassadin and the reworked Swain.

Q. You defeated KSV 2-0. How do you feel?
This was the last match before the Lunar New Year. I thought if we won this match, we would have a very happy break and I feel really good because it worked out.
Q. We’ve heard that the players of SKT T1 have got out of their slump during practice. What happened?
While we were in a slump, the performance of the team was thoroughly bad; we acknowledged our own problems and tried hard to develop. I think that helped.
Q. Kassadin is becoming a sure-win champion. Is there a reason that SKT T1 is almost the only ones who use Kassadin in this meta?
We play Kassadin because I think he’s alright in the current meta. He’s a good champion as long as the team doesn’t crumble.
Q. What do you think about reworked Swain?
I tried him a few times in solo queue, but I’m not used to the champion and I haven’t played him a lot, so I don’t know yet. (Q. Does he have good DPM?) Not quite.
Q. You’re nearing the end of ‘Poly Bridge’. What are you planning to play next?
There’s no other game that I can think of, so I’m still playing Poly Bridge, but I think I have to find another game because as the stages get harder, the viewers get bored. (Reporter: It was kind of boring from the beginning.) Okay (Smiles).
Q. What do you think about the viewers that know which shirt you’re wearing and when you have or haven’t washed your hair?
It’s really amazing that they know. I often start streaming without washing and they always get it right. So I tend to wash up more often now.
Q. How are you going to spend the Lunar New Year break?
We haven’t had much rest up to now, so I’m planning to get some good rest with my family.
Q. Lastly, can you say something in English to the worldwide fans that strongly express their love for you?
Thank you! (in English)
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