On the 11th, taking place atop the Gangnam Nexon Arena, SKT T1 defeated KSV on the 20th day of the 2018 LCK Spring Split Round 1. Against SKT's nemesis, KSV, Blossom held his own - which was especially the case when he played Sejuani. Despite being a rookie, Blossom displayed great performance and heavily contributed to his team's victory.
The following is an interview done with Blossom.

This is your first win-streak of this season. How do you feel?
I'm very happy that our team is now on a win-streak. Also, we were able to defeat KSV, a team that we constantly lost to. I think we'll be able to revive. We'll practice even harder and do well.
KSV Haru is well-known for his Rengar. Did you keep that in mind while playing?
I heard that Haru's winrate on Rengar is really high. I have known him as a Rengar main for a very long time - so I estimated that if he was to get his hands on Rengar, he would've given us a very hard time. But currently, Rengar isn't that great of a champion... I think that's why he wasn't picked. (Laughs)
Did you get nervous at all when you were told today that you'll be playing as a starter?
In SKT's history, our recent losing-streak was the biggest one by far. Personally thinking, our scrim results were actually pretty good, so I had in mind that as long as I don't make mistakes, we'd do well. And honestly speaking, before playing the game, I felt an odd emotion - something I haven't felt before in my 20-year-old life. I was also very worried.
I then made a resolution to play at my absolute best - the best performance of my career.
After the holidays, you'll be facing against Kongdoo Monsters. Any predictions?
Our team atmosphere has been getting better, and our plays have been becoming more stable. KDM plays well, but we'll put in more work, and I think that's why we'll win.
You performed well today. How will you rate your own performance for today?
Today's match was my very first here in the Gangnam Nexon Arena. Everything felt very new. Despite having been concerned with myself, I think I did pretty good. I'll give myself an 8 or a 9 out of 10.
What kind of advice did coach Bengi give you? Also, what did the other players tell you?
Coach always tells us to play onstage the way we play in scrims. He also told me to relax [and stop shaking]. My teammates find me annoying because I talk a lot, so they didn't tell me anything. (Laughs)
What kind of a goal do you have as a player? Also, is there a player that you look up to? A player that you want to work towards becoming?
It's pretty obvious. As a professional gamer, I want to attend international competitions, and in the end, become the best jungler in the world. Also, I walked a similar path to that of Ruler's, so I kind of want to succeed in the way that he did.
What made you become a jungler?
To be honest, I only played toplane Rengar until I hit Masters. As a toplaner, I often became frustrated at my team's junglers. So I switched roles. (Laughs)
Any last words?
I'm still lacking as a player, but I'll continue to try my best and meet the fans' expectations.
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