SKT T1 defeated the big tournament favorite, KSV, with a score of 2-0. It was the last match of Round 1, and SKT was able to secure that valuable victory. Due to their recent losing streak, SKT was very looked down upon by fans and analysts alike. But with today's victory, many opinions regarding the team changed.
The player that played the most important part for winning in the previous series, was Blossom. But today's main heroes were Faker and Bang. These two players displayed fantastic performance in both games 1 and 2 - especially game 2, as they had completely overpowered KSV.
After the series, the two players that won the MVP title, Faker and Bang, were invited for an interview with the SPOTV caster.

The two of you, the two veterans of today's roster, displayed a lot of fantastic plays. Please tell us how you feel about today's win.
Faker: Today's match was very important because it pretty much decided the fate of our team making it to playoffs or not. Though I was nervous, I'm glad that we won. I'll be able to go home happily.
You guys look very confident - confident that you can start racking up wins now.
Faker: Our performance was very good today, and the KSV players are usually very good too; but it felt like they were playing nervously today. Even if we're on a losing streak, we're still SKT T1. It won't make sense for us to not make playoffs. That's why I was confident today.
The spotlight was on Bang for most of both games 1 and 2. Your performance really stood out.
Bang: My teammates laid out everything for me, and it allowed me to play with ease. Our team's mid-jungle took the early advantage, and therefore, it gave me an easy time playing.
Trundle was struggling in the early-game, complicating the match outcome. However, Bang pulled through and won the game.
Bang: I may have to rewatch the game to fully understand what happened, but I know that there was a CS gap in toplane. I took a great pick - Ezreal - and it allowed me to take down the outer botlane tower. I think that played an important part. I pretty much did what I had to do.
Faker, you scored a solo-kill under Crown's tower.
Faker: The game was already pretty much over at that point so that solo-kill wasn't too meaningful. And Cassiopeia's ultimate is actually quite difficult to dodge, but since I scaled well, I was able to keep my composure and play it out calmly.
There are a lot of things to talk about for this series... In one instance, after landing Ornn's ultimate, Faker went in with Kassadin and cleaned everything up. What kind of calls were made at that time?
Faker: As the window to talk is very narrow in such situations as the one you said, our team make simple calls in chat such as, "I got him," or of something similar.
The two rookies of the team, Thal and Blossom, are also showing good form, from time to time. As [job] superiors, do you have anything to tell them?
Bang: I believe it's important to help out the rookies in any team. I was also once a rookie, so I know what I need to tell them. But then again, I don't really need to say much because our head coach takes care of that. The rookies in our team are doing fine in regards to daily life in the teamhouse. So our head coach mostly advises them in regards to in-game things.
Faker: Blossom has a very bold personality, so he doesn't distance himself from his teammates. As for Thal, he is very quiet and does what he needs to do silently. I'm not in a position to tell them anything, really.
Faker, you built Aether Wisp on Kassadin, why?
Faker: I was a bit nervous, so I think that's why I made that mistake. I was planning to buy a Blasting Wand but accidentally purchased Aether Wisp instead.
PraY confessed his love to you on a video [10 Questions 10 Answers]. Do you have anything you want to tell him?
Faker: Thank you.
What are your plans for the holidays [Lunar New Year]?
Bang: We'll pay our respects to our ancestors. Also, I was planning to play soccer but had hurt my legs. Luckily, I think it fully healed today.
Faker: I'm planning to visit somewhere with my family and relax.
Today's series was the last match before the holiday. Is there anything you want to tell the fans?
Faker: We won today with a score of 2-0, and so, I think I'll be able to enjoy a happy holiday. I hope the fans also spend a great holiday.
Bang: Happy new years! I hope everything goes well for you all. We'll do well ourselves, so please watch over us. Thank you.
RELATED: Blossom: "I only played toplane Rengar until I hit Masters. I often became frustrated at my team's junglers. So I switched"
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