On the 10th of February, MVP took the victory against bbq Olivers in the 2018 LCK Spring Split. Although they were trailing 1:10 in kill score in game 1, they turned the game around with a big win in teamfights and took the positive atmosphere to game 2. Kang “ADD” Geon-mo led the team to victory by playing Cho’Gath.
The following is the interview with ADD.

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and somehow, all my skills started hitting."
Q. How do you feel on your second win of the season?
I feel good because we really needed the win. I think we’ll try harder since the gap with the upper teams has decreased.
Q. You were very disadvantageous in game 1, what do you think the problem was?
The team was struggling because of my mistakes. We almost stumbled when Vladimir attacked us in our jungle, but we weren’t trailing in CS and we were able to guard the towers even though we gave up Baron, so we thought we were able to turn it over.
Q. There were many matches that had your team struggle because of your mistakes. Is there an explanation?
In Challengers Korea, taking half and half was enough to win, but in the LCK, if I play normal, it’s really hard to win. So I tried to make aggressive plays even if it was risky, but the results weren’t too good. I’ve learned a lot now, so I’m trying hard to make sure plays.
Q. What was the reason MVP was struggling so much this season?
Many teams enjoy playing Gnar, so we banned it and we got into a losing streak while we were looking for another good champion. So my problem led to the team’s struggle. I’ll be practicing during the Lunar New Year; resting is extravagant for a team that’s ranked 10th.
Q. There are two ADCs in the team. What are the advantages of them?
Pilot is very confident. He is good at the champions that are strong in the early-mid game. Maha is strong in the mid-late game. They are the oldest in the team, and they criticize each other in good intentions.
Q. The next match is against ROX Tigers. Do you think you can start a winning streak?
I think the team that prepared well during the holiday will win. I think we can win if we maintain our concentration.
Q. The opponent top laner Lindarang is delivering good performance recently.
Lindarang is good at aggressive champions, I’ll prepare the match with that in mind.
Q. Is there any other champions you’re practicing other than Cho’Gath?
I did practice a new champion, I’ll practice it more during the holiday and talk about it afterwards. Otherwise, Sion was bugged so I didn’t use it much recently. It’s alright because in the new update, it will be fixed. After the update, I’ll be picking Sion first whenever I have the chance.
Q. Any last comments?
I’m very thankful to Coach Choi Yoon-sang, my parents and all the fans that supported us even though we were in the long losing streak. I’ll deliver better performance by improving my lacking parts during the holiday. Have a happy Lunar New Year’s.
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