Afreeca Freecs (AFs) defeated Kongdoo Monster (KDM) and added another win to their record. AFs dominated KDM in both games 1 and 2 to clench the victory. The key player of the match was TusiN, the supporter of AFs. As the expert of melee support, he played Alistar in game 1 and Braum in game 2. TusiN roamed over the map nearly as much as a jungler, and with the advantage, Kuro returned fully grown to finish the game.
After the match, TusiN was voted MVP for both games and was interviewed by SPOTV. Kuro joined the interview as well.
The following is the interview of TusiN and Kuro.
※ Some questions/answers were edited for better comprehension.

Q. Did you think you’ll get MVP today?
TusiN: I wasn’t looking too much forward to getting MVP. Kuro was really good too, and he was looking forward to getting MVP. I thought he would get it. Everybody was really good today. Kiin seemed to be a bit disappointed.
Q. Many male fans were astonished by your performance. What do you think your charming point is?
T: The support position is now a lot more popular than before. Also, melee support champions are quite ‘wild’. Maybe that’s why I’m getting popular.
Q. Kramer had good performance too. A word to him?
T: Kramer said that I always say the bottom lane is one, but only I get MVP. Don’t worry, you’ll probably be standing here soon.
Q. The AFs players have been carrying a tumbler recently. What’s in it?
T: It’s barley tea. Before we drank water but one day after drinking barley tea, games went well. So we are continuing to drink it.
Q. You had many good plays. Who would you pick as MVP except for yourself?
T: I think Kuro should have been voted for MVP after game 2.
(Kuro walks in.)
Kuro: TusiN was good too, but I was really good. It’s such a bummer.
T: I won fair and square.(Laughs)
Q. It’s been a long time you played LeBlanc. Why did you pick it?
K: I didn’t really practice much or prepare LeBlanc for the match, but with the 5-year experience, it's nothing. The situation was perfect for LeBlanc.
Q. The commentators said that LeBlanc isn’t really good; fans shouldn’t try to do what you did. What do you think?
K: That’s true. If you pick LeBlanc, you’ll be seeing something a lot different from what you saw.
Q. A word to fans from the world?
K: Thank you. (Laughs)
Q. AFs is near the top of the leaderboard now. Any comments on that?
T: Now I want us to be a team that threatens the favorites. Before, our team color wasn’t very clear, but now it’s quite set. I wan’t to play better too.
Q. Any words to other teams who are ahead of you?
K: We have two matches left in round 1, and we already played against both teams [that are ahead of us]. I’ll just tell them, “Watch out for us in round 2.”
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