On the 3rd, atop the Sangam eStadium, the 14th day of the 2018 LCK Spring Split took place. On the 2nd series of the day, KSV defeated bbq Olivers with a score of 2-1. KSV was put under many crises, but they managed to overcome every single one of them and come out victorious. Crown put Zoe to good use in game 3 and contributed to his team's victory.
The following is an interview done with KSV's midlaner, Crown.

It was quite a difficult series. How do you feel?
It was hard-fought, but I'm glad that we won.
In game 1, KSV fell quite helplessly. Game 2 was also pretty close. Give us your feedback regarding today's series.
I think the main problem was that the enemy constantly tried to make things happen in the early-game, but we didn't. We didn't deal with the problems in hand, accordingly.
Head coach Edgar also said this, but KSV's "team color" seems vague at the moment.
It's not only today's series that we had problems in the early-game. We're currently receiving feedback about our weaknesses/problems internally within the team. We're constantly practicing to refine them.
A lot of people are saying that Zoe is broken. What is your opinion regarding this?
I don't think she's to that extent, "broken". If your team is ahead, she's great for cementing the win, but in the opposite scenario, there's nothing that she can do. Her wave-clear isn't great, and when she's behind, her damage isn't either. During the laning phase, what kind of spells she gets from balloons also play a big factor. She's a double-edged sword.
How did you see game 2? Did you foresee the comeback?
I knew our team was behind, but I didn't cross out the chance of making a comeback. I especially thought it was okay because we had taken a lot of infernal drakes.
Haru's Rengar was really something else, but his other champions were quite lackluster. I'm curious how his champion pool is nowadays.
While scrimming, we didn't use Rengar at all - imagining that he was perma-banned. During practice, Haru is trying out a wide variety of champions. Rengar was left open today, so we took it confidently.
Your next series is against ROX Tigers. The series might prove difficult for you guys.
I believe so too. Seeing our current performance and seeing ROX's increasing performance... the series will be very close. But if we refine our weaknesses, I think we'll be able to play a satisfying game.
Any last words?
Our loss in game 1 motivated our team - including me - to play better. It was a wakeup call for us. We'll do our best to get back on track.
RELATED: Haru on Rengar-Nidalee Matchup: "If Rengar applies pressure in the early-game, he can win with ease"
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