Madlife is coming back to the League of Legends pro scene as a caster temporarily.
Madlife, one of the greatest support players in League of Legends history, will come on as a temporary substitute shoutcaster for the LCK. Madlife will be taking the caster spot of Dong-jun Kim on the 3rd of February. Shoutcaster Dong-jun Kim is a caster for the LoL Champs Korea or otherwise known as the LCK. However, shoutcaster Dong-jun Kim will be unable to shoutcast the LCK on the 3rd of February due to his schedule overlapping with AfricaTV’s Battleground League (APL).
On January 30th, Dong-jun Kim announced through his SNS that he is unable to shoutcast for the LCK on February the 3rd. Dong-jun Kim has so far maintained both a shoutcasting position in the APL and LCK, making sure both schedules would not overlap. However on the 3rd of February, APL is hosting the finals. This meant that Dong-jun Kim had to choose which game he would cast. PUBG (PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds) or League of Legends.
In a predicament, Dong-jun Kim realized the significance of the APL finals and chose PUBG. With the caster seat empty, who else would be fit for such a task other than Madlife himself. OSEN consulted alongside Riot Games to allow Madlife to cast the LCK temporarily.
Known for being the best Thresh and Blitzcrank player in the world, Madlife is put to yet another difficult task. Looking back at his determination and game knowledge, there is no doubt Madlife would bring a new flavor to the LCK.
Officials at Riot Games Korea has said, “With Dong-jun Kim absent, 1 of the 3 caster positions is left vacant. In hopes to fill the remaining spot, Madlife will be making a surprise debut as a caster for the LCK. As expected, Madlife has taken active involvement in the matter.”. It would be a lie if I would say everyone is not enthusiastic about Madlife’s return to the LCK. Everyone waits in anticipation on the insight and spin the best support player in the 2012 and 2013 season has for the LCK.
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