Making it a 3-0 win streak, Echo Fox claims a win over Cloud 9.
Starting off the season like no other, Echo Fox has proved to the NA LCS that they are a solid contender for not only the new 2018 season but also the upcoming playoffs. Famous for having their on and off weeks, Echo Fox has shown how fast they can adapt and coordinate as a unit.
Witnessing amazing plays from each member of Echo Fox in today’s match, a player to highlight is Altec. Demonstrating excellent team fight positioning on Ezreal and playing consistently well, Altec was truly an unsung hero in the match against Cloud 9.
We had an opportunity to catch up with Echo Fox’s ADC, Altec, shortly after the game. Let’s see what Altec has to say about their 3-0 win streak.

¤ How do you feel about your win today?
I just feel like we did alright. Obviously, a win is a win right? We are happy that we won. Even though we won, we made a lot of mistakes. Because of this, we still have a lot to improve on.
¤ What would you say is the biggest contributor to your win streak right now?
I think it is because all of the teams are very afraid on stage. I don’t think they take as many risks as we do. We are all aggressive players. Maybe they are afraid of fighting back? So, I think this is one of the reasons why we can get early game advantages.
¤ Who is the shotcaller that dictates the early game presence for Echo Fox?
It is the jungle, Dardoch. He tells us what we need to do, and our laners put our own input into it as well. When we don’t know what to do, we would all ask each other questions. A lot of the time, Huni would give us a solution. So a lot of the early game, Josh (Dardoch) does most of it and then Huni steps in.
¤ We interviewed Huni last week. In the interview, he told us that you performed above his expectations. Did you know that he said this? How do you feel hearing about it?
No, I didn’t know he said that. If Huni thinks high of me, I have to perform even better. When we play solo q, I always duo with Huni. It is really really funny (laughs). I think overall, we are all pretty close. If he gives me some criticism, I can improve on it as well.
¤ So would you say, you and Huni match well together?
I think it is really easy for everyone to get along with Huni. He is a really nice person. I am really close with Adrian as well.

¤ You seem very confident whenever you make a play. What is the reason that you are so confident in the play you make?
I think it has to do with my team a lot. If I can play aggressively, they can cover for me. I think this is why I can play so confidently and aggressively often.
¤ If you had to pick one teammate, who do you trust the most?
If I had to pick one, it would be Adrian because he can save me.
¤ Why do you trust Adrian the most? Other than the fact that he can save you (laughs).
I guess a lot of the times, Huni does a lot of random stuff. It is funny because, Huni is someone I could be really close with but I don’t know if he could save me.
¤ Is there anything you want Adrian to improve on?
I think for this meta, bot lane just goes double Relic Shield. You don’t get punished as hard as you should be. Other than working on everyone speaking up, I don’t think he has anything to improve on right now. I made a lot of mistakes today, and I just need to cover my own mistakes. Hopefully next patch, there won’t be double Relic Shield. So, we can finally see which bot lanes are strong and which ones are weak.
¤ With Echo Fox off to a great start, how far do you think you guys could go this split?
I am really happy we had a good start to the season. This is because, a lot of teams are still trying to get together as a team. I feel like we are a team that aren’t scared of making plays. A lot of teams fear us. I feel like we can make playoffs for sure. As long as we keep practicing, we maybe can go undefeated.
¤ How did you guys feel about the owner of Echo Fox, Rick Fox, coming down to support you guys?
I knew he was out there supporting us, but I was too focused on the game at the time. After the game, he came and gave us high 5s. It was pretty cool. It was nice to see a person from higher up management come out to support us.

¤ Did you guys have a chance to eat dinner with Rick Fox and talk?
We didn’t have a chance to eat dinner with him yet. A lot of the times, we would practice at the office and he would be there sometimes. From time to time, he would use one of our PCs to stream League. Other than that, we haven’t had a chance to hang out with him that much.
¤ Looking over your performances so far, what would you rank yourself as an ADC in the NA LCS?
Personally, I don’t like ranking myself. Especially for bot lane, there are a lot of strong bot lanes this year. In the next patch, we are going to see who has the best bot lane.
¤ In the next patch, which bot lane do you think will be the best?
I think TL’s bot lane and TSM’s bot lane will do really really well. I feel like they are both really aggressive and like to fight a lot. Especially with the soon to be Targon’s nerf, ADCs will go Doran’s Blade now. If the ADC makes a mistake, they will be screwed.
¤ Since Echo Fox is on a winning streak right now, how far do you think you guys can keep this streak going for?
I think we could go up to 9 wins. I believe we are capable of beating each team at least once. We’ll see from there after. I think we should be able to beat every team at least once.
¤ Lastly, is there anything you want to say to your fans?
Thank you guys for all your support. It has been 4 years since I went pro. For those who still follow me, I really appreciate it. For the new supporters for Echo Fox, we are doing really well now. Hopefully, we can make history by going to the playoffs for the first time.

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