With the new 2018 season now underway, Riot Korea released yet another Season Launch Video.
Keeping the trend on going from last year’s Season Launch Video, Riot Korea has added new attributes and retained the old ones that kept the viewers on the edge of their seats. The 2017 Season Launch Video was titled ‘It’s Time To Carry’ with the main focus involving around the shear process of climbing to the top. The link to last year’s video is here.
With this year’s Season Launch Video, Riot Korea has taken new steps to give goosebumps to the viewers. The video features a music artist, J.Slow, and has his rapping the journey of being a legend throughout the video. We get to see everything we want in the video from the new runes and emotes to Khan’s famous quote “If you lose top, it is the jungler’s fault.”. Ranging from a pro player’s renowned champion to infamous moments such as Faker hiding his face in the World finals, the video captures the essence of 2017 (Legend) and shows the ‘Restart’ of a season.
Let’s jump right in the video to see why the new 2018 season should be anticipated as it is.
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