Today, a great moment in the history of fan service was achieved when the official Overwatch Twitter account shared a teaser of the Black Cat D.Va skin. The teaser is meant to promote the cosmetic update happening this Tuesday the 23rd, but none of that really matters anymore.

This skin is all that matters. With 11k retweets in just 33 minutes, the fan hype for D.va dressed as an anime style cat girl is about as rabid as you'd expect. D.VA is already the most popular hero (not in pick rates, but in overall fan appreciation) and each of her legendary skins has always been received very positively.
But the Black Cat D.Va fandom is in a league of their own. Turns out turning D.VA into a gothic lolita neko girl is a popular thing to do!

Will you see Black Cat D.VA fan art? Of course.
Will you see Black Cat D.VA cosplay? Exhaustively.
Will Black Cat D.VA overshadow every other skin in tomorrows update? It already has.

Well played, Blizzard. It is going to be hard to keep fans away from buying this incredibly popular skin. Once the hype settles, please take a moment of silence for all of the illustrators, cosplayers, and fan-content creators who are currently hard at work enshrining Black Cat D.VA at a degree of fan-service mastery the OW community expects.
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