Asula’s Crimson Eye Accessories can now be enhanced in Black Desert Online KR. You would need Asula’s Accessories with Lost Magical Power in order to enhance your Asula’s Crimson Eye Accessories.
Asula’s Ring with Lost Magical Power can be obtained in the Bashim Base and Titium Valley. Asula’s Earring with Lost Magical Power can be obtained in Gahaz Bandit’s Lair and Desert Naga; Asula’s Necklace with Lost Magical Power can be obtained in Basilisk Den and Taphtar Plain (Centaurus), and Asula’s Belt with Lost Magical Power can be obtained in Cadry Ruins and Crescent Shrine. The drop rate is not bad, and it’s said that an average of 2~3 can be obtained per hour, although it may be different person to person.
Asula’s Accessories do not get an AP increase when enhanced, although all 4 items will get +1 DP (Damage Reduction) and 1+ Additional Damage to Monsters if enhanced to PRI. As for TRI: Asula’s Crimson Eye Ring, it has 7 AP, 4 DP (Damage Reduction), +3 Additional Damage to Monster, and +2 All Accuracy, which shows that there are differences in the stat increase depending on the level of enhancements.
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Basic stats for accessories → Enhanced stats for PRI accessories

KR players are saying that there is no need to enhance Asula’s Accessories. Since Asula’s Accessories are destroyed like any other regular accessories if the enhancement fails, you would need to build fail stacks in order to successfully increase your chances of enhancing accessories at higher enhancement levels.
Basically, the same amount of Silver is needed no matter what accessory you are enhancing to get the same amount of stacks. That is why it is better to use your stacks to enhance accessories that increase your AP like Witch’s Earring, Tungrad Earring, Mark of Shadow, Ring of Crescent Guardian, etc. rather than on Asula’s Accessories.
Of course, we cannot presume their efficiency since detailed stats for TRI/TET/PEN: Asula’s Crimson Eye Accessories have not been properly revealed yet. Not many people are using up their stacks on Asula’s Accessories since there aren’t any AP increases or big increases on Additional Damage to Monsters for accessories under TRI level.
Not only that, even though it is shown as a Flexible Enhancement, only Fixed Enhancement can be done, like with other accessories that can be enhanced to PRI on their first enhancement.

Other than that, you can exchange Asula’s Accessories with Lost Magic Power with Asula’s Crimson Eye Accessories. You need 3 of Asula’s Accessories with Lost Magic Power, and they would have to be the same type of accessory with the one you want to exchange for. For example, if you want Asula’s Crimson Eye Earring, you’d need to have 3 of Asula’s Earrings with Lost Magical Power.
Once you have enough accessories, either visit Yisar Pjetyo the Alchemist in Tarif or Lasmin the Blacksmith in Rock Post. If you want to neither enhance nor exchange for Asula’s accessories, you can just sell them to an NPC for 100,000 Silver.

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Comments :4
level 1 Prochilles
Why? Why? Why are devs putting effort in creating obviously worthless junk? again again etc
level 1 flashfree
@ProchillesWasting developer time and money is a good use of time in Korean Games apparently.
level 1 BlackStabbath
@ProchillesCreating items is pretty generic and simple task I wouldn't even consider an effort. They probably have some student interns for that, while "real" devs do other stuff (not necessarily relevant or impressive). I'd consider idea decent for starting players if they grind a lot and try to enhance with no stacks at all. Should be ez up to DUO.
level 1 Mikeha
This is cool