If you haven't had the chance to watch it yet, most everyone agrees that Dallas Fuel vs. Seoul Dynasty is a must-see match for anyone even slightly interested in the Overwatch league. Featuring two of the most anticipated teams in the league clash on the first day of the league's official start, it proved to be a nail-biting series of games that showcased some of the most impressive individual plays Overwatch has ever seen.
During this match (and afterward on discussion boards across the web), one player, in particular, has been on everyone's mind: Byung sun "Fleta" Kim. Only 18 years old, the young Overwatch prodigy has had a reputation for carrying teams due to his insane DPS, having once infamously racked up 50% of his entire team's final blows during his pre-OWL days on a semi-decent teamed called Flash Lux.
His performance spawned the meme of Fleta playing 1v11 during these matches, as his 5 teammates were bringing him down just as hard as his opponents were.
RELATED: [Overwatch League Media day] Seoul Dynasty expects "at least an 80% win rate"
His time to shine
But now, playing on the most prestigious Overwatch stage there is with one of the most respected teams in the league, Fleta's true potential has been unleashed. Here are just some of the reasons Fleta is being recognized as the MVP of day 1 of the OWL:
His Lethal Genji team wipe.
His Widowmaker precision.
His extremely effective Pharah.
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Speaking of Fleta's Pharah, Overwatch live stat producer, CaptainPlanet, had this to say on Twitter about this incredible hot-streak on the aerial DPS hero:
@ow_Fleta's 38% Pharah rocket direct hit rate in 07:25 playtime on Numbani is the highest I've ever seen sustained. We've been considering anything over 20% to be good, and @Mangachu_ had around 25% in the world cup. Tl;dr kid popped off"
Clearly, Fleta has had about the best debut performance a player could ask for and has further cemented popular opinion that Seoul Dynasty is the team to beat in the league.
But you want to know my favorite Fleta moment? The intense focus that even his teammate's celebration could barely disturb. Talk about high five accuracy!
Warcraft 3 is my one true love and I will challenge anyone to a game of Super Smash Brothers Melee.
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