On January 3rd, Black Desert Online has revealed through GM’s Notes that as of tomorrow’s (January 4th) update, the Set Bonus from Pearl Costumes will be reworked in Black Desert Online KR.
In order to get the Set Bonus, you have to wear the costumes from the same set. However, as of tomorrow, the Pearl Costume Set Bonus will work even if you are wearing pieces from different costume sets, and there will be a partial set bonus even if you don’t have all 8 pieces.
For example, you can wear Eternal Snow Helmet, Mini Puff Dress, Angelic Queen Shoes, and a random Awakening weapon skin together and still get the Pearl Costume set bonus.
You will get the Combat EXP +10% buff for wearing 4 pieces of Pearl costumes, and will get additional buffs by wearing 6 pieces and 8 pieces (Helmet, Clothes, Gloves, Shoes, Main-hand, Off-hand, Awakening, and Underwear). You will get Combat EXP +10% and Skill EXP +10% from 6 pieces, and Combat EXP +10%, Skill EXP +10%, Death Penalty -10%, and Durability Loss -10% from 8 pieces. However, Life Skill costumes (Venecil Dress, Canape, etc.) and crafted costumes will not have any set bonuses.

Also, as of January 11th, all weapon costumes will be available for separate purchase.

More on Black Desert Online: Screenshots from the New Boss Raid, Mirumok Destroyer Offin
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Comments :4
level 1 Frank
So they're pushing us to buy useless underwear to get the set bonus now. I like it that you will be able to mix costumes, it should've been common sense to do that from the start.
level 1 mozz
What about Treant/Desert Camouflage?
level 1 Yullie
@mozzTreant/Desert Camouflage won't count towards Pearl Costume Set Bonus :( It will have it's own buffs just like other life skill costumes. For details, please visit https://www.invenglobal.com/blackdesertonline/articles/3911/choose-any-costume-pieces-you-like-and-get-the-pearl-costume-set-bonuses-pearl-costume-set-bonus-improved-on-black-desert-online-kr
Thank you!