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Just an hour ago, In this emotional clip from arguably the most popular streamer in the world, Dr. Disrespect took to his twitch.tv channel to be straight with his viewers and, regretfully, confess being unfaithful to his wife.
Citing "stupid mistakes", Dr. Disrespect appeared extremely distraught, a stark contrast to his usual persona of extreme confidence and charisma.
Dr. Disrespect has become a household name amongst PUBG fans and his confession is a major event within the Twitch community. This year at Twitch Con, Dr. Disrespect was an honored guest an and single-handedly the most popular and positive force within the community.
While being unfaithful to one's marriage is something unanimously loathed, Dr. Disrespect fans are having a hard time turning on their beloved Twitch streamer. His extremely stressed demeanor and the decision to "come clean" live to his audience shows true remorse for his actions and, per his own words, are part of a plan to "taking some time off to focus on my family".
After winning streamer of the year, things were looking good for Dr. Disrespect. More information on this story will be presented as it comes available, but for now, rumors and gossip are flooding social media as to what happened and when. For now, it is a sobering thought to, in two clicks of a button, see recorded the greatest moment of someone's life, followed by what is probably the worst.
Warcraft 3 is my one true love and I will challenge anyone to a game of Super Smash Brothers Melee.
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Comments :17
level 1 Liquid_Memory
Sorry, but a True confession does not hide your face from the True Feelings that people Can See! As a long time therapist, this is Fake 100% Sorry, it doesn't sell me.
level 1 Maxonator
@Liquid_MemoryHow is any of it fake? Those truly look like genuine tears to me. You can't call me a fanboy as that would be just simply untrue.
level 1 Carlitos
@Liquid_MemoryCan you diagnose someone through a video? without asking him questions or knowing the background of what happened? He doesn't have to confess anything to his followers.....only to his family and those close to him. This video imo was simply an explanation as to why he won't be around for some time. That being said, can someone be so ashamed to "confess" to someone that it's very difficult to not look that person in the eye, and yet be sincere?
level 1 Liquid_Memory
@Liquid_MemoryIf you do not fully understand something, research it and find out that what you are saying now could make you look like you are full of crap, to the flip side and understanding and making an intelligent response.
level 1 Blacktech
@Liquid_Memory"As a long time therapist" what a failure you are, Its called shame and Dr D is consumed by it right now. As a therapist you should know this, though obviously you're full of shit. Do not mix professions with your personal opinions (though I highly doubt you even were a "therapist"). You look more like some red neck american cuck trying to act big when in reality you're a nothing but another american conspirator .
level 1 Bruce_Waldo
@Liquid_MemoryAs a long time therapist, you should know that when a person has a hard time looking at you or a camera. They feel ashamed or embarrassed. But you are just an internet warrior and like to call people out from behind your keyboard. Hopefully, you find something better to do with your life.
level 1 Lennix
@Liquid_Memory Psychology is a pseudoscience, don't pretend like your field of study is 100% accurate across people of all walks of life. xD give the man the benefit of the doubt, c'mon now.
level 1 Donny_Lu
@Liquid_MemoryPosting an unsolicited and pretentious conclusion from simply a two minute clip is somewhat unprofessional and unbecoming of a long time therapist. Are you really sure that's what you are?
level 1 Miche_Michael
@Liquid_MemoryTake care if you not agree with this guy he will put you down with flames! When he can't explain himself he start to flame. Hope you therapist job is a joke.
level 1 Liquid_Memory
@Liquid_MemoryIt is amazing that a Streamer for so many years has been staring into the camera and now you tell me he has issues with looking at the camera. PLEASE LEARN SOMETHING before posting!!!
level 1 Liquid_Memory
@Liquid_MemoryTHIS IS A DRAMA PLOY!!! He is an Actor and this is Acting at its worst. He will get more hate than sympathy. Just Saying!
level 1 Kelley
@Liquid_MemoryOnly someone psychologically damaged would feel remotely comfortable saying something this illogical though I also understand your need to keep your profession well stocked with clients so you are out here publicly creating them. Do not play the troll card like it means anything to anyone, show some damn compassion or be quiet. You do not sell any of us.
level 1 Samycopter
@LennixCurrently studying in psychology, and while I can't agree to the pseudoscience term, I see what you mean and agree. There is nothing is psychology that you can apply to everyone with 100% certainty, because every person has his own personality and it is dependant of the context.
Also, he says therapist.. but depending on where he lives he could be a "therapist" with some 3 year diploma not even affiliated with psychology. The title can represent many things. Some places require a doctorate and some other place don't. (over here in QC, canada its around 8 years of university to be a psychotherapist).
One more thing. Being a therapist, even if you have 10 years of study behind you, doesn't mean you can tell lies/what's fake better than others. Doesn't mean that you can see through people and know them fully with a 2 minute video. That's just movie/shows stuff. Any sensible psychologist or therapist would know that, and refrain from commenting. This guy is using his position to get his personal opinion across.
That being said, I'm not saying he is wrong, just that you can remove that "therapist" part of his sentence and it's a normal opinion. Though I really believe the doc is genuine.
level 1 LeviLogic
@Liquid_Memory You might want to compare the emotion in the video of him accepting the award to the emotion of his confession. It doesn't take a long time therapist to see they are the same and therefore, NOT FAKE!
level 1 Steve_notmlgpro
Brings a new meaning to the two time(r). Guessing money doesn't bring you happiness.
level 1 Dave_Lopez
It always seems to go wrong right when all the money & popularity are at its peak. A little overindulgence got the better of you bro, hope you make it back. family first always!