SEA All-Star team defeated the Brazilian representatives and qualified to the semifinals. The main factor for SEA’s success was their solid execution in subbing. The center of this difference is Jisu and Patrick. We got to meet with the victorious members of SEA All-Star team.

Below are the responses from the interview with Jisu and Patrick.
¤ You guys got picked for All-Stars out of the blue. How do you feel coming to All-Stars?
Patrick: Because of the Visa problems with the Vietnamese players, we got to come. Since it was my first international stage, I was a bit nervous.
Jisu: Since I got to play against the first or second picked players around the world, I learned a lot and gotten some good experience.
¤ Viewed as the weakest region, you guys have qualified to the semifinals. How do you feel about making it to the semifinals?
Patrick: When I heard we won against Brazil and our entry was finalized, it felt really good. It was an experience not easily found. It felt like I had everything I ever wanted.
Jisu: In some aspects, we were more advanced than the other teams. However, we only played one scrim game before the games today. Although we lost the first game due to unfortunate communicational issues, I knew if we played well we could win. Since we were doing well against the Chinese team early, I knew we were going to perform well against NA.
¤ (To Jisu) Yesterday, you showed an amazing performance on Pantheon against POE. At the moment of the dive, what were you thinking about?
I knew it was only going to get harder for me as time went on so I went in with my ult. Because POE used all of his potions at once, I was at risk if it dragged on any longer. I won because I fought boldly.
¤ I would assume there would be a lot of communication issues. How did you solve this?
Patrick: Even though I’m not good with English, I tried my best to speak it. Our team consists of 2 Koreans, 2 Singaporians, and 1 Vietnamese. We tried to talk a lot during the game to try and solve the communication. We felt a lot of things that went wrong in the first game, so we all agreed upon talking a lot in the game against NA.
Jisu: Because I played in Europe before, I can speak English to a certain extent. The Singapore players are really good at English. Bot duo has pretty good communication and me and Patrick just try to communicate well with our jungle.
¤ Why do you think the Southeast Asian All-Star team is so strong?
Patrick: In the first game, I didn’t have any presence in the game. Because of this, I knew we would win if I played well. When I was at an even state in mid, my top, jungle, and bot would carry the game for me.
Jisu: I think it is because we lost the first game so easily. Hence, the other regional teams underestimated us.
¤ Is there any player you want to meet and why?
Patrick: I want to meet Faker. Because he is the best player in the world, I want to at least shake his hand.
Jisu: I want to meet Faker also. Since he is so talented with a strong mental, you cannot help but love him as a player.
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