On the 8th of December, the group stage matches began between the All-Stars of regions from around the world. By maintaining the momentum that LMS All-Stars have acquired through their 1st game, they took down the LCK All-Stars for their 2nd win of the tournament. Karsa's fast scaling Kha'Zix was a sight to behold throughout the match.
The following is an interview done with LMS's jungler, Karsa.
Q. LMS took two victories today. How do you feel?
I think the reason we were able to win was that all the players were relatively relaxed, having a comfortable time with the matches. Also, I think we were pretty lucky.
Q. LMS is famous for doing very well against Korean teams. Why is that?
Usually, LCK teams aren't too dynamic with their map movements. On the contrary, LMS, as a region, navigates through the map very aggressively. I think LCK couldn't adapt in time for our playstyle, and that's why we had won against them a number of times in the past.
Q. Today, while facing against the LCK All-Stars, you picked Kha'Zix and focused on the midlane. Were you planning to focus down Faker from the beginning?
The LCK's botlane was LZ's, and the top and jungle were SSG's. So I was thinking that "bot and top-jungle must have good synergy." On the other hand, Faker came alone from SKT, and there were many moments where he was astray from the rest of his All-Star team. That's why Faker was an easy target.
Q. LMS won by using Zoe twice. What are Zoe's strengths?
The "core" of Zoe is her 'E' skill. During a teamfight, it's hard to track her - to see exactly what she is planning or where her 'E' will suddenly fly from. Her damage is also very unpredictable. These are Zoe's strengths.
Q. There was news that you are leaving LMS. What are your plans?
It's been confirmed that I'll be joining a new team. I want to do well on my new team... I would also really like my fans to watch me adapt and grow. Also, I'd like them to continuously cheer for me.
Due to a mistake in editing Karsa's interview, another interview's topic (957's) had been accidentally added. Although we found our mistake and corrected as soon as possible, we gave our readers the wrong information. We, Inven Global, want to apologize to Karsa and to our readers. We will make sure something like this will not happen again and hope you guys can see our improvements with us along the way.
Thank you.
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