■ NA vs. BR
▷ That was a great retirement game for Zoe.
└ I hope the developer of Zoe trip and fall!
└ I hope the developer of Zoe steps on a Teemo shroom!
└ There was not a single champion that CertainlyT had developed with 0 issues.
└└ Didn't he create Darius? I remember when he was first released, his method to prevent from being ganked was to kill both the enemy toplaner and jungler.
└└ He created Yasuo. End of story.
▷ Why did Riot nerf Nidalee's spears again? Zoe does more poke damage than Nidalee but it's also AoE. Zoe only needs two core items to completely blow everyone up. Her sleep bubble is also a 2 second CC with an AoE that is close to the size of Malzahar's ultimate. If you're going to do something like this, just rollback Nidalee!
└ Nidalee's Q is also an non-target spell that's hard to land. As for Zoe... when she uses 'E', enemies stay still!
└ Zoe's damage is weaker than Nidalee's.
▷ Brazil: "You cowards! Let's have a real fight atop a football field!"
└ NA: "Ok, 7:1"
└ NA: "How about American football?"
■ KR vs. EU
▷ Early-Game - ???:"Are you KR's toplaner?"

└ SoAZ: "Nothing special."
▷ Late-Game - ???: "F*** my team... disgusting."

└ 4 EU can't win
▷ ???: "Hey you! The one that died so much! Come here!"

└ Ambition: "You need to be beat the same number of times as your death in-game."

└ CuVee: "But bro, you abandoned my lane. You don't have the right to beat me!"
└ Ambition: "It's not me that's going to beat you."

└ H-Dragon: "It's me that's going to beat you. Get on the floor."

└ CuVee: "F***."
▷ The following is the personal thoughts of each LCK players.
└ CuVee: "I'm winning despite playing terribly!"
└ Ambition: "We're winning although all I'm doing is covering my laners!"
└ Faker: "We're winning despite the fact that all I'm doing is DPSing from the back!"
└ PraY: "We're winning despite the fact that all I'm doing is using Jhin's ultimate!"
└ GorillA: "We're winning although I'm just saving my teammates!"
└ The happiest moment in League is when your team wins while everyone does their job.
■ SEA vs CN
▷ 2 Koreans can't win. Can't argue there. SEA lost because of the top and midlaner.
▷ If Levi was Chinese, he would've received hundreds of thousands of dollars for his salary... He's handsome and has a great playstyle...
└ He's also very insightful in interviews. He could probably earn a lot of money from streaming.
└ He probably receives that amount of salary in LMS? He's the most bright player in that region.
└ Levi's level of play exceeds that of LMS. He's always trying to carry his team.
└ Southeast Asian Faker.
▷ I want to see Levi playing for a stronger team. He's always suffering...
■ TUR vs LMS
▷ CertainlyT!!! F*****!!!
└ There... Are you saying it is still not OP?
└ Champions with good CC/utility should have low damage outputs... They need to lower Zoe’s damage.
▷ There is no need to nerf Zoe. She just needs to be deleted from the game.
└ I think they just need to nerf her sleep bubble a bit. The sleep bubble is the only thing that is a bit OP. The duration, increase in range going through terrain, and creates an area that puts enemies to sleep if missed... this skill is ridiculous.
└ If Zoe comes out, you cannot enjoy the game.
* Continued controversy over Zoe's balance.
▷ Zoe has a crucial weak point. She dies to Teemo when she is low in health and can’t use her spells if she has no mana!
└ If she gets banned, you can’t even play her!
└ She has the weakness of dealing less damage when she is exhausted as well.
└ She has so many weaknesses we need to remove her from the game.
■ CN vs NA
▷ NA lul~
└ NA pulled an NA
└ NA should just quit playing in tournaments and open one of their own
└ Asians see forests but Westerners see trees. They don’t see the big picture lmao.
▷ ??? : 5 NA players can't win

└ But Bjergsen is from Denmark... LOL
▷ If you want a fiance, meet a person like NA. "It is consistent"
└ and she always concedes.
└ god damn LOOOL
▷ I feel like we saw how NA is going to do next year at Worlds.
└ This is not a case where you should flame NA. NA just did NA.
└└ What am I going to do with my excitement of "Is NA actually going to win?!?!?"
└└└ "Of course NA..."
■ KR vs LMS
▷ Total loss. Let’s start over with the picks/bans
└ LMS is Korea’s counter... Everytime we are about to forget, they remind us...
└ 5 Koreans can't win
└ Taiwan no 1!
▷ Is LCK just weak against LMS? Same with the Flash wolves...
└ I think so... I think there is a weak/strong matchups for every region.
└ LCK beat LMK at Worlds but why are they losing to them in All-Stars lmao
▷ To be frank, Faker just played bad. Karsa also played well...
└ Yeah. Faker played bad this game.
└ Word
└ You don’t need to be frank. CuVee and Faker were just huge holes for their team.
└ Karsa’s Kha’zix did 80% and Zoe did 20%
▷ I think Zoe needs to retire now. In the midst of all this, all the Korean players’ CS is over 10 per minute... Are additional minions spawning elsewhere?
└ Zoe unleashed + Karsa’s super play+ Faker’s stupidity = Loss
▷ Surprisingly, there are nothing said about Ambition... They picked Gnar quickly after Zoe... Ambition didn’t do anything while Karsa was jumping around the map.
└ I think Ambition has become optimized only for Samsung. I think Score has better individual skill. Faker is just continuing his poor performance from KeSPA.
▷ LMS Victory formula : Is it single round elimination? (Yes), Is the opponent Korean? (Yes) = Win
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