On the 1st of December, atop the OGN eStadium, the '2017 LoL KeSPA Cup' semifinals match between 'Longzhu Gaming' and 'SK Telecom T1' took place.
By once again showcasing their unique but aggressive playstyle, LZ secured a 2-0 victory against SKT. With this victory, they will be facing kt Rolster in the Finals.
The following is an interview done with LZ's ADC, PraY.

You've advanced to the Finals! How do you feel?
Our head coach told us to "just get disqualified during quarters if you can't beat SKT." (Laughs) I'm very happy that the efforts that we put into our practice have shown on our performances today.
It hasn't been long since Peanut has joined your team. Were there any difficulties regarding teamwork and synergy?
Teamwork, champions, and compositions... we overworked ourselves to match those things with Peanut. But still, despite having such a short amount of time, we've been doing our absolute best in order to make the best results on stage. We'll show great performance during the Finals as well.
You've shown great performance on Jhin today.
During game 2, I needed to have killed Gnar with my ultimate. (Laughs) It didn't work as I had anticipated. Personally, I think Jhin is a great champion. That's why I'm continuing to play him.
During the 2nd set, how did you feel when Azir and Jarvan were dodging your skills?
I was glad that it wasn't me that was running around to survive. (Laughs) I had a comfortable time because I was playing a champion that can attack from afar.
Tomorrow, you play in the Finals against kt Rolster. How will you prepare for the series?
Unlike the LCK, there isn't much time to prepare for a matchup... our game is tomorrow, so we don't have any hidden cards. With the teamwork that we've shown so far, we'll continue to play at our best. A new coach just joined our team, and he has been a great help.
During the All-Stars, your first 1:1 opponent was revealed to be SwordArt. Are you confident in beating him?
Having to play against someone like Uzi first would've been dangerous. I'm glad I got matched with a support player. I don't think there was a single support player in the past that went far in a '1 on 1' tourney. I'd like to see Faker playing at his best to raise the trophy for Korea.
The current meta seems to favor aggressive team compositions. Does it fit well with LZ's playstyle?
Not really. I think we're winning just because we're simply playing well. But I think the ADC's role has been simplified - to stay in the back to either initiate or provide support.
Any final words?
For 2 years in a row, our team made it to the Finals of the KeSPA Cup. I didn't expect our team to make it to the Finals this year, but while we're at it, I want us to win the whole thing. I'm always thankful for the fans that cheer for us. I also want to give a word of thanks to the members of the coaching staff who are always committed to their work.
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