For the first time in the history of Black Desert Online, a player has reached Level 63. The required EXP after Level 60 is enormous, and it takes a huge amount of time and effort to reach Level 62. Level 62 players grind and grind to overcome the hard cap, but the journey is never easy. However, this last weekend, someone finally went beyond that level. Her name is 위치이랑 (character name; pronounced as Witch-E-Lahng)
We were able to find her at Gyfin Rhasia Temple. The parking spot was crowded with her party members’ horses, and she was party grinding until the second before the interview began. Hoping that we were not interrupting her favorite grinding hours, we asked if she could participate in an interview about reaching Level 63.

Q. Greetings. Level 63 is a truly amazing achievement. How do you feel about it?
It feels great! At first I didn’t plan to level up and just enjoyed farming, but somehow leveling became a goal for me. I’m proud of myself for reaching that goal.
When I decided to become level 63, there wasn’t any special motivation. I just thought like “maybe I can do this!” When I just reached level 62, the amount of EXP I got decreased significantly, so I almost gave up on leveling up. But when I saw my EXP accumulating slowly, I thought maybe I can do this. So I started leveling up since that day.
My husband helped me a lot in this. He used to help me with enhancing so I can grind better. When I set up the goal, he helped me with different things like organizing a party for me or letting me to get some more sleep in the morning.
Q. Where do you usually grind?
Gyfin Rhasia Temple, of course. I never left Gyfin Rhasia Temple since Level 61 20% EXP. I’ve heard Hystria Ruins also gives a good amount of exp per hour so I tried to go there, but got lost on my way so I had to come back to Gyfin Rhasia.
Also, for those who grind for long hours like I do, it’s not easy to grind alone for a long time. That’s why I prefer Gyrin Rhasia, where players party up to grind.
Q. How long did it take you to reach level 63 and how many hours on average do you grind?
Before going to work and after returning home on work days, and about 12 hours on off days. I tried to get at least 1% EXP on average per day. I get more EXP on the weekends, so I got the EXP I could not get on weekdays. I started this project on July 27th, so it took me 4 months.
Q. What kind of food/elixir do you use while grinding?
One Casual Cron Meal (new meal; not available in regions other that KR), and bunch of elixirs. I use EXP Elixir, Elixir of Will, Death, Assassin, Frenzy, and Draining.

Q. How much EXP do you get at Level 63?
With 100% weekend EXP boost, Energy buff (20%), Book of Combat, Party EXP Elixir, and Cron Meal, I get about 0.048% per hour in Gyfin Rhasia Temple.
Q. Reaching Level 63 is definitely not an easy job. What was the hardest thing about it?
Nothing significant, when I think about it now. BDO is a game where the time you put into it eventually pays off, so I could always get the reward I’ve been expecting.
Although it was not a hard job, I always had to worry about finding a party. I had to find a party that matches my schedule, but I can’t always grind when I want to with the people I want. Also, it’s important which party you are in.
It’s better to grind with the usual party members, since party members have to click when grinding in Gyfin Rhasia. Without my “Gyfin friends”, reaching level 63 would have been so much harder.
Q. Grinding for a long time might make you physically tired. Do you have any special way of dealing with fatigue?
I stretch often, and eat well. I sometimes have a drink or two with my husband. I have to stretch once in awhile because sitting down on the same spot for a long time is not easy for me. Also, I like to watch online streams.
Q. You are still grinding. Are you trying to reach Level 64?
It’s not like a new goal; I’m just following my usual routine. I really like grinding so that’s the only thing I do and now there’s nothing else I do. I will eventually build up a big amount of money from grinding, and that’s why I enjoy grinding very much.

Q. We are curious about your gear. I’m sure you are aware of the recent issue. What off-hand weapon are you using?
I use Kutum. I believe a lot of players moved on to Kutum since Kamasylvia came out, as the ones who grind in Kamasylvia would feel the difference. I started using Kutum when I started grinding Feather Wolves. The monsters at Gyfin Rhasia are extremely powerful, so I need more DP to play safe.
Q. You don’t get any additional skills at Level 63, so it seems like there won’t be any big changes in terms of gameplay.
I wish there were some changes you can see when you level up. I’m not only talking bout new skills. I just wish that there is something like “Ta-Da!” when you level up. That is what many people want also.
Q. You must have been playing BDO for a long time. What was your most memorable moment?
I’ve been playing BDO for a year and 4 to 5 months, and created this character on March 3rd. The most memorable moment was when I bought PEN Dandelion. I was a Ranger back then, so I bought PEN Dandelion Kamasylven Sword and changed it to PEN Dande Aad Sphera using 150 Shakatu’s Seals. That’s how I got my PEN Dande for this character. I also bought PEN Kzarka using a maid while I was grinding at Gyfin Rhasia.
Q. Is there anything you want for BDO?
When I’m party grinding, I see a lot of people talking about bugs. Although some of the bugs are negligible, server lag has greatly increased recently. In addition, they are not managing the game as the player base wants them do.
I hope that the management team will listen to the players, as the players love the game so much. I wish that we can enjoy grinding without any issues. Plus, I wish there were more different grinding spots.
Q. Any last words for those who helped you to get to Level 63?
A big thanks to my morning party members and late night party members. I also want to thank my friends who organized a party for me and supported me with a Golden Bell buff. Lastly, I want to thank all Musas and Maehwas out there for being a puller in the Gyfin Rhasia grinding party.

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Comments :13
level 1 Laki
Grats Witch-E-Lahng you deserve it!
level 1 Merkraad
Congratulations on your achievement! I am enjoying grinding on my Wizard as well, but I will wait for Striker to release here on South America server to get to 62 or even 63 one day. What about the Belt they give at level 63, what are the stats on it? :)
level 1 Agent15
there is problem that she hired people who grinding for her. it's issued in Korean inven. many Korean
the interview sounds like she did all of it.
level 1 WewOsu
@Agent15She didn't hire anyone to grind for her, she had a friend that helped her find people to grind with. BDO isn't a game where you have to grind by yourself all the time, you are able to grind with parties for a reason, and that reason would be to speed up the exp rates that you are getting.
level 1 Coracbra
pretty sure she use a bot or its someone else playing her account, she doesnt even know what shes talking about
she said it took her 4 months from july 27th until now to get from 62-63
and she has full time job (8 hours a day) and a husband etc, and she gets 0.048% xp per hour
that would take 86 days of pure grinding time in 4months
with only 120 average days in 4 months, and her working full time. total bull shit lol. there isn't enough time for her to be able to do what she did by herself, or even with her *husband" helping. pretty sure husband just means power leveling company lmao-
level 1 Summer_Howlyn
level 1 Haaku
@CoracbraShe started playing on march, so it makes 9 months to the time the interview has been done. Not sure when she lvld up to 63 tho.
level 1 Doom_Marine_007
Good god, I can't see the sun with all this SHADE being thrown
level 1 Queue
Yup, BS, this girl is NOT 63, she doesn't even know how long it would take.
level 1 krispykreambb
everybody mad at her calling her a bot and saying she hired people lmao, throwing shade cus they ain't reach it before her, people don't know how to be happy for one another these days, congrats to her getting 63