Highlights from team South Korea's AMA featuring Saebyeolbe, Fl0w3r and Mano

▲ Left to right: Saebyeolbe, Fl0w3r and Mano

Full AMA with Yeon-oh "Fl0w3r" Hwang, the famed DPS and Widowmaker player for South Korea's world cup team.

Full AMA with Jong-yeol "Saebyeolbe" Park, former DPS for South Korea's world cup team and the current  DPS for New York Excelsior.

Full AMA with Dong-gyu “Mano” Kim, Winston specialist for South Korea’s world cup team and current Tank for New York Excelsior.


▲Fl0w3r at Inven offices answering question

1. Fl0w3r's most tilted and frustrated moment in competitive Overwatch.

When was the most tilted you've ever gotten in a professional Overwatch match? How do you overcome times when the game annoys/upsets you?

Every match in Season 3- I didn't have enough time to completely recover from my injury, but I had to play anyway, which was hard for me. And during these games, I try not to say much and be done with it as quickly as I can and play another game.

2. Fl0w3r's favorite hero vs. his favorite heroes to play.

Who is your favorite hero?


Your Widow and Pharah were amazing. What champ do you most prefer except those 2?

Soldier: 76 & Bastion.

What is the top 5 heroes you are most confident with?

Reaper, McCree, Soldier:76 from DPS heroes, and Junkrat and Mei from defense heroes

3. Fl0w3r's tips on how to improve aim and be a better player.

Do you have any tips on how to improve your aim?

What I did was practicing using "muscle-memory"- by practicing a lot, I let my bodies remember what to do naturally. 

Would you recommend getting practice and being above average with more (10-12) heroes instead of being absolutely proficient with one or two?

I think the merit of being good at Overwatch was being able to play well on every heroes, but I don't think Blizzard seems to think the same way

▲ Saebyeolbe moments before asking questions from fans at the Inven offices.

4. Saebyeolbe on why he is so comfortable and confident when in front of big esports crowds.

A lot of Korean players look very shy when they are facing the camera. What make you so confident and laid-back in front of huge crowd?

I think it's from having a lot of social experience and working! Progamers usually tend to stay inside and play games but before I became a pro gamer, I worked..so hehe

5. Insight on Saebyeolbe's motivations outside the game and aspirations to become a teacher.

You mentioned in one of your interviews you'd like to become a teacher in the future so you could help students who have struggles in their lives. What would be your first and most important advice to those students?

As a Korean, Korean people tend to be caught up too much in competitions, and I'd want to tell these students not to get caught up in competition that other people forced them to; I have experienced the hardship myself, so that's what I'd like to tell them in future

6. Saebyeolbe on the toughest team he faced in the Overwatch World Cup.

Which was the most difficult team you guys faced in the tournament?

Team U.S- they'd have won if there were no team South Korea, coz Jake is there.

7. Saebyeolbe's simple trick to being an effective Tracer.

Can you give me some tips for your moving of tracer?

It's real simple- your play should annoy the opponent; if you succeed, that means you're good.

▲ Mano during the AMA at Inven offices

8. Mano's response to the numerous compliments about his smile and overall cute factor

How do I become as cute as you? Who in NYXL seems like they'd be the best boyfriend?

Sorry I don't know >w< Always be happy, I guess...?!

And I don't know whom to choose other than myself ^~^v

Mano, you have the most beautiful smile <3 Aside from gaming, what are the things that make you happiest?

Thank you so much <3

Listening to music & watching Marvel movies makes me happy hehe ^~^

1. Your smile is so sunny it could make flowers grow

2. Who do you think the best main tanks in the world are (other than yourself)?

1. That is so nice of you, but I don't know what to say... >///< 

2. Fissure! But I will be the world top main tank! >:)

9. Mano on what he does to improve his Tank play, especially with Winston

Can you share a tip for Winston or Reinhardt that isn't well known?

Well, this isn't a secret or anything, but Winston should never die. And as for Reinhardt, when there are two Reinhardts, if the opponent Reinhardt is in middle of casting Fire Strike, he won't be able to dodge your ult, and make sure you are not too far from him, or else it won't work. Use it when you're close to him. Hope this helps! >.<

Are you still studying amazing plays such as Mei "ice wall" play?

I'm studying how to kill Pharah or Mercy in mid-air with Winston :D

▲ The three world cup teammates will belong to the same organization again, this time for the New York Excelsior.

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