The voting for 2017 League of Legends All-Star, the tournament in which your favorite players compete against one another, has begun.
Although the voting period has yet to end, fans are starting to get a grasp on who will most likely attend.
In the case for LCK, although it seems as if the voting has been basically finalized, many players are promoting themselves through internet communities by leaving posts of their own - in attempts to receive more votes over their competitors. It’s possible that the voting results can change at any moment.
And so we ask the question: which LCK players will most likely attend? Also, what kind of fun events have happened regarding this event?
■ The Current Players in Each Role With the Most Votes

◇ TOP: CuVee (SSG)
◇ JGL: Ambition (SSG)
◇ MID: Faker (SKT)
◇ ADC: PraY (LZ)
◇ SPT: GorillA (LZ)
As there is a rule that only 2 players per team are allowed to compete at All-Star, the 2 most popular players from the new World Champions, Amibition and CuVee, received the most amount of votes. As for the bottom lane, PraY-GorillA received the highest amount.
It’s almost certain that Faker will be attending the event as the midlaner, but his teammates aren’t so fortunate.
The lane with the highest possibility of the top-voted player being outvoted by the runner-up is the botlane. Currently, KT Deft and Mata are sitting with the 2nd highest vote, and as for Mata, he is actively promoting himself through Korean League of Legends communities in attempts to receive more.
■ Same Player, Same Event. Two Different Roles.
2017 will be a memorable year for Ambition.
Not only did he marry the girl that he’s loved for a long time, but he also claimed the Summoner’s Cup for his team and himself. The foe that he had to take down during the Finals of the World Championship was the very same team with the player that took the “Best midlaner in the world” title away from Ambition, SKT… and coincidentally, after 4 years, the year that Ambition finally achieved his love, was the same year that he proved to the fans that he’s the best jungler in the world.

And now, he’s preparing for his reappearance at the All-Star event after 4 long years. Of course, the voting period is still ongoing, so we can’t be too certain of what is to come. But due to the “2 players per team” rule and the fact that Ambition and CuVee are receiving the most amount of votes on their team, almost cements Ambition’s chance of attending the event.
Ambition was voted off to All-Stars in 2013 as a midlaner. But if he secures his ticket this year round, he’ll be attending the event while playing in a different role. There are, of course, several players that have swapped roles during their career. But it has been very uncommon for a player to have been regarded as the very best in their role - twice - on two separate occasions.
■ The King of Midlane, Faker
Every year during the voting process of All-Star, the lane that suffers the most amount of loss is the midlane. Just like how most midlane votes in NA are expected to be poured onto Bjergsen, the same applies to Faker in Korea.
Many fans in Korea joke that as long as Faker doesn’t retire or become drafted into the army, there will be no point for the All-Star voting in the midlane - but sadly, it’s the truth.
After facing a defeat at the Finals of the World Championship stage, Faker’s tears took the spotlight. Will Faker show the rest of what he couldn’t at All-Star? We’ll have to wait to find out.

■ The Birth of the Strongest LCK Team? SSG-SKT-LZ Unites.
Currently, the LCK All-Star team is comprised of SSG-SKT on the top side of the map, and LZ on the bottom.
During Worlds, CuVee had shown the world that he does not need constant care from his jungler to play out his lane or macro efficiently in the late-game. Ambition has also played flawlessly for his team by showcasing outstanding macro. And as for Faker, he’s a player that’s on everyone’s dream team - and an explanation on how he performed at Worlds is most likely unnecessary.
And lastly, although PraY and GorillA were struck down by SSG during the quarterfinals at Worlds, they have been playing at a consistent level up until then. Also, the famed PrillA botlane showed no weakness to non-LCK teams before meeting SSG, so it’s highly possible that this year’s LCK All-Star team is the strongest as of yet.

However, it’s not the best ingredients that make the best chef, so we’ll have to keep an eye out and see which regional team can find the crack on the wall that is LCK.
■ “I want to go to All-Star at all cost!” Will Mata’s Wish Come True?
Although PraY and GorillA have seemed to secure their spot for the event, there is a particular player that is - though late - trying to appeal to the Korean fanbase.
It all began through his personal SNS. Mata posted, “I want to go to All-Star and play alongside big brother Bat(Ambition) and Faker. Please give me your valuable votes.” His way of appealing to the community, by actively browsing and commenting in Korean League communities, was quite comical; it was as if he was trying to run for president! At a fan cafe, Mata also left a similar post saying, “I don’t care about Smeb or Score… even if it’s just me, please give us your vote.” His desire to attend the event was proven to be even stronger when he commented, “I want to go. Help me. I’ll do whatever you want. I also have a lot of 19+ pics of Alpaca(Deft).”
Mata went as far as to ask for votes through kt Rolster’s iPhone commercial on their official Youtube channel.Can Mata make it in this year like he did last year? One thing is for certain, however, that GorillA’s and CoreJJ’s fans are also actively promoting them, to see their favorite support players play at All-Star. Players snatching the ticket to All-Star away from one another is highly possible for the support position.

▷A promotional video that was uploaded to kt Rolster's official Youtube channel
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