On Nov 3rd at BlizzCon 2017, a session for Overwatch’s upcoming updates featuring the agents of Overwatch was held. Michael Chu (Lead Writer), Arnold Tsang (Assistant Art Director), Geoff Goodman (Lead Designer), and Aaron Keller (Assistant Game Director) talked about the details on the new hero Moira and the new map Blizzard World.
Moira is a new Support hero that can heal allies and damage enemies at the same time. Her origin story reveals her past as a scientist working for Blackwatch. There are other heroes who are also scientists in Overwatch, but she is a bit different from them. She does not have any benevolent motivation or philanthropic desire. She is into actual science, and the fundamentals of human genetics. She has no morals, and will push science at any cost. When she lost her reputation as a scientist due to her radical and controversial research, Gabriel Reyes/Reaper recruited her to Blackwatch. After the organization collapsed, she allied herself with Talon and continues her research with the new patrons.

The developers decided to add Moira because they believed that the game needed a new healer. There are already caring healers like Mercy, Ana, and Lucio, so they decided to add a dark and shady healer with a life-stealing vibe. Moira’s hands are her weapons, and her hands show different animations when she heals and when she attacks. Her healing motion is somewhat soothing, gently waving her hands at her allies. In contrast, her damaging motion is very aggressive, and looks like she is grasping at her enemies to drain their energy.
The developers also revealed two of her Legendary Skins. Her first Skin is called Oasis, revealing her connection to the map Oasis. Her second Skins is called Glam, and is a Glam or Psychedelic Rock-style Skin.

Moira’s skills include healing skills, leeching skills, a mobility skill, and an ultimate with a long range. Biotic Grasp is her primary healing skill, and has two types: Regeneration (Primary Fire) and Decay (Secondary Fire). Biotic Grasp: Regeneration can heal multiple allies by piercing through them, and Biotic Grasp: Decay will damage enemies.
Fade (Shift) is a mobility skill where Moira becomes invincible for a moment and move a short distance. It has some similarities with Reaper’s Wraith Form, suggesting she has a close connection to Reaper. Biotic Orb (E) is another skill that can heal allies or damage enemies. Moira will create an orb that will bounce around and heal or damage the characters that the orb meets. Lastly, her Ultimate ability, Coalescence, can heal allies and damage enemies at the same time. Moira fires a long beam that can pierce barriers, and the beam will heal allies while damaging enemies in its path.

The developers also talked about another big update coming for Overwatch, a new Hybrid map Blizzard World and new skins themed after Blizzard games. Blizzard World is a Blizzard Theme Park that features buildings and geographical features themed after different Blizzard games. The devs said that they had a lot of fun creating the map and devs from other games worked together on the map.
It is a Hybrid map divided into three area: the World of Warcraft area, the StarCraft area, and the Diablo area. One fun fact about Blizzard World is that there is no Overwatch part in the map, as Blizzard did not create Overwatch the game in the Overwatch universe.

The defenders will start from the Heroes of the Storm Arcade while the attackers will respawn at the Hearthstone Tavern. There are plenty of spots where you can take the high ground and a lot of different flanking routes as well. The map will feature tanks from StarCraft, Stormwind Gate from World of Warcraft, and the atmospheric area from Diablo like Leoric’s Manor. There will be tons of Easter Eggs, like Deckard Cain’s voice in the map. The devs said the the map will be hitting the PTR soon, and will be available in the live server early next year.

Along with Blizzard World, the devs also talked about skins themed after characters from other Blizzard games. The skins are Immortal Orisa and Nova Widowmaker from StarCraft, Magni Bronzebeard Torbjorn and Blackhand Doomfist from World of Warcraft, and lastly Barbarian Zarya and Butcher Roadhog from Diablo. Skins from the recent cinematics, Crusader Reinhardt from the animated short Honor and Glory and Ecopoint Mei from the animated short Rise and Shine, will also be added along with the Blizzard Skins. Finally, the devs confirmed that the new skins will be available in the base Loot Box and will not be event-limited.

Related: Blizzard collaboration skins are here for Overwatch at BlizzCon 2017
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