There are many ways to increase your rating in PUBG. You can either shoot furiously from the beginning and claim as many kills as possible, or reach Top 10 or No. 1. Players are therefore focusing more on survival by all means, in order to increase their ratings.
The current solo meta is to reach at least Top 10. For that, the garbage bin meta, which a player hides in a large garbage bin next to buildings and survive until the last moment, draws much attention. All you need to do is find a garbage bin in the white zone and hide.
After that, you can watch others fighting each other while you become Gandhi by laying prone and avoid any combats. Although it gives you less kill/death, it is still recommended if you consider rating score more than any other in this survival genre.

Introduction - prepare a bin
A player who prefers hiding tends to favor a small toilet or a bathtub, or become Chikorita and merge oneself with grass. This gives an advantage of increasing your survival rate and more chance of killing nearby enemies easily.
However, for this meta, you need to hide in a large garbage bin located near warehouses or houses. The risk of getting exposed is extremely low as most players do not usually check bins, but houses, trees, or grass instead.
You need to loot basic items or a vehicle in the beginning, and find a garbage bin in the middle of the white zone and hide. This is useful when you are not confident with killing enemies in solo, or afraid of getting killed when you are looting. The main purpose of this meta is to reach Top 10.

Application - using the meta
Check the locations of garbage bins
In order to use the meta, you need to know where the bins are. Garbage bins in Erangel are located almost everywhere, and you need to find the one that is located closest to the middle of the first white zone.
A large bin is difficult to climb up. You need to either perform crouch jump, or use a vehicle, nearby buildings, or wall. Once you get inside, all you need to do is watch the number of players diminishing as the time goes.


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