SSG defeated WE with a 3:1 score and successfully advanced to the finals. If you were to look at today’s games solely, there was not a single player who didn’t belong on the team. CuVee did not make a single mistakes, Ambition creating openings for his team, and Crown could still fulfill his role even if behind. Lastly, CoreJJ received the MVP title.
However, the real key to success was Ruler. In such an ADC focused meta if Ruler did not play at the level he is now, SSG would not have made it this far. As a result, SSG won and Ruler has shown everyone his potential.
After the game, Ruler was interviewed. At the brink of the finals, let’s see what Ruler has to say!
¤ This is the second time you guys got to the Worlds finals but at the same time you guys never made it to the LCk finals. What’s the difference? Why do you guys play so much better on the international stage?
Well I think it is because we were a little bit relaxed at the home region. Maybe because we did less practice.
¤ You guys have a positive record in the BO3 against SKT, but you guys lost against them twice in the BO5. What do you think you need to do to get the strengths in the BO3 to beat them next week in the BO5?
I think the picks/bans will be the critical decider in our match up. However, the most critical one should be our skills and capabilities against them in the BO5 series.
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