SKT T1 are headed to the finals after going to game 5 against RNG.
In the Shanghai Oriental Stadium (28th) League of Legends World Championships 2017 semi finals, SKT T1 won against RNG. SKT T1 gave the 1st game away to RNG and had a rough start. Even though they went to a game 5, SKT never lost focus and came out on top. Faker picked Galio for all 5 games and put his presence well known across the map, leading to his team’s win.
Below are the questions we got to ask to SKT T1.

¤ (To Faker) You picked Galio 5 times today. Do you think the enemy mid laner was well vsed against your Galio?
Faker: I was able to cope against the enemy’s picks because I already knew what I was going to play. If they opponent played more aggressively, I would have equally played aggressively. However, they played a more passive playstyle so I also played passive. Overall, the mid lane was fine.
(To Faker) You closed your eyes before the 5th game began. What were you thinking while you closed your eyes?
Faker: I didn’t really think about anything. I was just resting my head.
¤ (To kkOma) After the game, people were posting on the internet that Galio was the pain for RNG. What do you think about this?
kkOma: Today’s win was accomplished because our players played better than their players. I’m not too sure about the draft being the problem.

¤ (To Bang) You seemed to have a really tough time against Misfits last series. You guys went to game 5 today as well. Was it as hard as it was against Misfits?
Bang: After the Misfits game, I thought to myself ‘I could have played better’. Today was also the same.
¤ (To kkOma) Misfits picked Leona and Blitzcrank against you guys. What is the reason you guys picked Leona and Blitzcrank today?
kkOma: I thought a lot about picks/bans. I decided it was a very effective pick against RNG and that is why we picked Leona and Blitzcrank.
¤ (To kkOma) There are a lot of instances where SKT’s early game was a weak point. What do you think is the reason for it?
kkOma: I will try to prepare more on the early game and to not show such a weak early game in later games.
¤ (To Bang) After the 3rd game, we saw you holding your hands to your head.
Bang: I was very disappointed in the result of the 3rd game. We had all the picks we wanted and the game was going according to plan. However, we made a lot of mistakes and ended up losing a game we thought we were going to win. Since there are a few games left, I will try my best not to make those same mistakes again.

¤ (To Peanut) It seemed you guys had fallen behind in the early game of game 4?
Peanut: I don’t think we were that behind. After looking over the previous games, I knew if I didn’t make any mistakes we would win. I played a relatively slow paced game.
¤ (To kkOma) Today you put Blank as the starter and Peanut as the sub. Later you subbed in Peanut for Blank. What was the reason for this?
kkOma: There were a lot of reasons. The main goal for a team is to win so I decided to put Blank as the starter to have a higher chance in winning.
¤ (To Blank and Peanut) You guys both swapped in and out for today’s games. What were some of the words you guys exchanged to one another?
Peanut: I told Blank to try his best. Because I had to set up everything, I didn’t have much time to talk to him. I think I performed well today because I had less pressure on me.
Blank: We didn’t talk much in depth. Since we had to win, we both just encouraged each other.

¤ (To Faker) After the Misfits game, you said you might lose this set. In today’s set, did you also think you might lose?
Faker: I did think we might lose today after the 3rd game. I am glad we ended up winning. Last week, it was really hard to comeback and win. I am just very happy we did a reverse sweep and won.
¤ (To kkOma) This year, SKT T1 is said to be rated as the most vulnerable version of previous SKT T1. What do you want to say to the fans who think way?
kkOma: I said this in Korea as well, SKT has never had a downfall even if we are being a little bit sluggish. I would like to think that our state right now will make the games a little bit more entertaining for the fans. I just want to thank the fans who have always supported us. To the statement that we are the weakest we have ever been this year, I do not think that is the case. Even last year, many people were saying ROX Tigers was the strongest team.
¤ (To Faker) Do you want to face against a Chinese team in the finals? Or do you want to face against a Korean team?
Faker: I don’t mind what team qualifies to the finals. However if the Chinese team makes it to the finals, I think a lot more people would watch the games. I also think it will be a lot interesting to vs a Chinese team in the finals.
¤ (To Huni) For the last 2 years, you have been in EU and NA teams. Do you miss those days?
Huni: Of course I do miss those days, but now it seems to be the most significant place in my professional career. The past is in the past. I am happy this time I made it to the finals for Worlds for the first time.
¤ (To kkOma) After the 3rd game, you decided not to ban Jarvan. Did it help SKT to not ban Jarvan anymore?
kkOma: After reviewing the games, I realized it was the draft that was our biggest problem. I decided Jarvan was a better pick compared to Sejuani. While watching the games with Peanut, we talked about Jarvan/Sejuani and I decided to use Jarvan after that.

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