■ MSF Was Eliminated During the Quarterfinals but...

■ ???: "Hehehe... Faker, the players of RNG aren't your only opponents."

■ Moment of Enlightenment for Bjergsen

■ Faker's Galio, Activity Heat-Map

■ The Reason Why Faker Built Mejai's Soulstealer

■ Death Note

■ The Team That Understands the Most on How RNG Feels

■ The Turning Point That Allowed SKT to Win Today

■ Hero's Entrance

■ mlxg: "It felt like I was playing against 3 Fakers. He was near Baron, but suddenly, he appeared in botlane..."

■ The 1 vs 1 that Bang's Life Depended on
■ The Last Member of Old-ROX

■ ???: "You fans told me that as long as I don't flash Worlds emote or buy Mejai's, Faker won't get angry!!!"

■ RNG Is Not the Losers of This Series.

■ ???: "I made one too many mistakes today, right?"

■ Today's Match Summarized With 1 Photo.jpg

■ The Real Reason Why Worlds Was Held in China

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