7 brilliant Winston clips that prove he’s more scientist than gorilla

There are certainly people out there that don’t think Winston is capable of making sick highlight reel worthy plays. Yes, he is no Genji, but there’s still plenty of awesome things a skilled Winston player can pull off. And to prove it, here is seven genius, but maybe not the most kill-tacular, Winston plays.

Did someone say, peanut butter?

6 Zarya clips that prove she is the strongest woman alive.

Who says brains and brawn have to be mutually exclusive?

As I’m sure you can all confirm, when you’re a genius, 400 pound, adult gorilla, you find creative uses for your natural strength. For instance: knocking some poor teleporting Sombra off of a cliff. It might be a little unethical, but what're a few casualties in the name of progress?

Winston takes vengeance for his brothers, sets up his own zoo.

After all the abuse and ridicule his kind has suffered at the hands of humans, Winston decides it's time for some payback. As an innocent cowboy checks his watch, Winston traps him within his shield. Adding insult to injury, he takes a seat, pops open his favorite snack, and watches his prisoner. Eerily reminiscent of Planet of the Apes.

3. Scientists always make the smartest plays.

This is a such a subtle but cool environmental read by the Winston player. In case you missed it, here’s what’s going on. It’s the very tail end of the game and Winston is way too low to do much of anything. He notices both a Hanzo ult, and a friendly Mercy coming in. He hurls himself forward so his corpse is close enough, gets the rez and full heal, and jumps right back into the fight to win the game. Proof that even on characters that don’t require mechanical skill, knowing your surroundings is still crucial.

4. The thing about justice is it doesn’t discriminate.

You really have to feel for that Pharah. It's bad enough her ult wouldn’t have killed anyone, but Winston just HAD to rub it in by making her the only victim. It’s true what they say that justice is blind, and when you’ve got an entire salvo of the stuff you should be careful where you’re pointing it.

5. Doomfist versus Winston might as well just be a Street Fighter match.

Alright, this isn’t really a ‘smart’ play but it's so ridiculous I had no choice in adding it. Two close ranged, highly mobile characters duking it out is always going to be a bit of a mess, but this one takes the cake. I still don’t even know how Doomfist actually died. If you find out let me know in the comments.

6. Winston gave you that equipment, Tracer. He can take it away.

First of all, how dare Tracer attacks her close friend like that, especially after all they’ve been through together. Second of all, This is one of the slickest pulse bomb denials I’ve ever seen. This is the calm, collected action of a man-gorilla scientist that knows Tracer owes him everything, and he can take it all away with a flick of his giant meaty fist.

7. After perfecting aerial combat, Winston wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer.

This last one comes to us from the stream of professional tank player xQc and in my opinion professional is putting it lightly. Nowhere is safe if Winston controls the skies as well. I know he has some pretty excellent maneuverability but being able to leap straight into the air and punch out Mercy and Pharah is really pushing the already questionable physics of Overwatch. At the end of the day though, what do I know? I’m certainly no scientist.


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