■ 1st Game
[Before the game & pick/bans]
▷ ??? : I’m going to win against Huni today. Nom nom nom...

▷ Misfits lost today.

└ You can’t count them out yet. They did beat TSM and FW.
▷ Alphari is really good but he always makes a mistake. He would do good in lane and then go 3 damage items on Camille, gets one shotted and throw. He is good if he doesn’t throw...
└ Everyone thinks Alphari is good.
└└ He is really good. However, he always makes one mistake in a crucial moment.
▷ Sejuani, Galio, and Trundle huh lmao
└ 3 Pigs? What is this
└ Can’t even breathe
└ The shear size of top jungle mid... Can they even go through that frontline?
▷ Is it support Trundle?
└ Stoneborn pact Ardent Censer Trundle? LOOOL
└ I feel so sorry for Misfits just looking at the picks/bans.
└ Stoneborn Ardent combo is actually not bad. Can be put on Jayce in teamfights as well... In the Star Guardian event, people would go Ardent on Syndra or Lux than Soraka. This was because it actually did much more than Soraka.
▷ How can we judge SKT’s draft? Caitlyn has to get big first of all
└ Princess Caitlyn comp
└ Peanut will probably camp bot right?
└ You can say it is a similar team comp as WE
└ They must have been confident to do this
[Game begins: early game kills for SKT]
▷ Trundle does all the damage lmao. They went in ignoring Caitlyn but got smacked by Trundle
└ Trundle is stronger than Caitlyn...
└ That was the advantage of picking him when he was meta. The support would 1v1 the ADC. When a support hits the ADC, they need to hit all their skills and then run. With Trundle, you smack them until they die.
▷ Look at Faker’s roaming... are you a jungler?
└ Only Faker would have 100% kill participation in 15minutes... Level 5 roam from Galio...
└ Does the jungler disappear for Faker to jump out of nowhere? LOOL
└ Alphari: Galio is camping top~~~~WHAT IS MY JUNGLER DOING!!!
▷ Why does Tristana die again?
└ Game has already snowballed
└ If SKT gives a game away, it would be pretty embarrassing
└└ I don't think they will even give a game
└ How did TSM lost to a team like this?
└└ It is Misfits vs SKT but why is TSM the one losing? LOOL
└└ I knew Group D was a good group for TSM LOL
▷ Seeing Faker take CS is so amazing. He goes all around the map but has 100cs in 11minutes.
└ Galio’s items wow... He will be unkillable till the 30 minute mark
└ 12 minute Adaptive Helm... Can Ryze even tickle Galio? lul
[When the game was in SKT’s favor]
▷ Just looks like Korean teams have already closed out the series against EU. 3:0.. Yesterday's game was more entertaining to watch.
└ This is a massacre.
└ I’m embarrassed I even picked TSM for 1st place in Group D.
└ Bjergsen must feel sick. He lost to these guys twice and get eliminated...
▷ Can they not surrender in tournament games? They need to take care of their mentality as well...
└ I think it is possible...
└ It is possible but pros don’t surrender since they don’t know what the result could be.
▷ Even if SKT was in Misfits’ shoes, I don’t think they can come back? The level, kill, and team comp difference.
└ If Faker gets fed, you never know.
└ The fact that they gave so many kills and still came back is amazing
└ There is a chance for a comeback. Jarvan Rumble ult combo with Taric ulting and Tristana doing free damage. The problem is, they are so underleveled that they don’t have any damage.
└ Gigabyte Marines... I miss you. Save us from this boring game
▷ 19 thousand global gold difference? Is this real life?
└ Boring games. Is there going to be more games like this in the quarterfinals?
└ Except for the kill on Wolf, SKT didn’t even give them a tower. Perfect game.
└ The most useless thing in the world is to worry about SKT.
■ Game 2
[Picks and Bans]
▷EDG, G2: "Even MSF made it to quarters! We didn't make it because our group was too competitive!"
└ ???: "Are you seeing this? Why couldn't I make it to quarters!"

└└ Stop harassing Score, you bastard!
└└ ;_;
▷Peanut's ultimates could've been better last game. But SKT still won; I think the difference in skills between the two teams are quite clear.
└ In my opinion, it wasn't necessarily Peanut that "missed" but rather MSF members dodging well.
└└ Peanut ulted by predicting the enemy's next movement.
└└└ Maybe Peanut missed because MSF played worse than expected?
└└└ It was used to either: be hit by the ult, or move forward and die to SKT. He kept ulting at MSF's escape path.
▷Toplaner's official fruit.gif

└ LCK banana meta.
└ Banana of victory.
└ I'm gonna start eating bananas right before my promotion games.
▷Alphari died...

└ Heard that today is his birthday... feels bad.
▷For sure, ban Galio.
└ Blitzcrank pickup for playing against Taric???
└└ If he fails to hook Kog'Maw, he's doomed.
└└ IgNar is really good on Blitzcrank, but I don't know how this will turn out.
└└└ MSF's botlane will have to win their laning phase. But even then, if SKT's mid, top, or jungle gets fed, Blitzcrank will become irrelevant.
▷Kog'Maw doublekill lol. A suicide-dive by MSF!
└ A miraculous trade. 1 death for 2 kills.
└ That was a really weak dive. Gave up first-blood and another kill to go along with it. What are they doing?
└ This is the biggest tournament in League of Legends. Pros shouldn't make such reckless dives. Come on, this is the quarterfinals!
└ Before diving, you should really check if the pool has enough water in it.
└ MSF didn't have their bananas before the game.
▷Group D is becoming a legend.
└ Group D was honestly the easiest group. SKT is by no means a bad team, but seeing MSF play like this is really making me question just how easy that group was.
└└ Might've been a group of hell for those teams, since their skill level is about equal.
▷What's up with the CS difference between the ADCs? There is a 33CS difference...
└ It's because of Blitzcrank.
└ They dived so much. It'll be weird to not have a CS difference.
└ It's because everyone is having a party down at botlane.
└ Kog'Maw had to be careful when playing against Blitzcrank. He lost all of his summoner skills early on, so there really isn't anything that Kog can do.
[MSF Takes the Lead With Blitzcrank Plays]
▷IgNar's hooks are pure just insane.
└ IgNar is Korean, right?
└└ Yes.
└└ He used to be in Longzhu and KT.
└└ He was a support player for KT. He also went to Worlds in the past.
▷Peanut has 0 presence. It's so frustrating.
└ If the enemy is focusing botlane, Peanut should counteract and focus top. Why is he playing with no directions?
└ When did Peanut change like this? Earlier in the year, Peanut's early-game control was amazing. He started playing weird during the Summer Split and now, he's so weak. His early-game is shaky and his macro is weak.
▷If you aren't going to pick it, ban Sejuani.
└ Why is Maxlore's Sejuani ult so accurate? Is it a target skill?
└ On the other hand, Peanut's Jarvan E never hits the mark. What is he trying to do with a Jarvan that has no E skill?
▷Everyone is taking turns throwing. This is nonsense.
└ Did Huni just try to forward-Flash + Q? He didn't even land it.
▷Whatever the case may be, IgNar's hooks are ridiculous.
└ A must-ban for next game.
└ SKT's counter are hook champions. They lost during the LCK Finals because of Thresh, and now, it's because of Blitz.
└ Peanut didn't necessarily suck. It's just that IgNar's hooks are out of this world.
└└ Let's be honest, if Peanut performed better, IgNar wouldn't have had the chance to play like this.
└└ Nope, Peanut underperformed.
└└ Peanut sucked.
└└ Peanut played really badly. Every SKT lane was winning, but then, Sejuani came and ruined their day. Jarvan just farmed all game while Sejuani put all its effort into ganking, but even then, Jarvan ended up being weaker than Sejuani.
▷TSM, sorry for doubting you. It's now reasonable that you guys were eliminated.
■ Game 3
[Before the game & picks/bans]
▷ SKT’s flaws = No Dark Knight
└ At this point, Peanut suspects him not being a start-up guarantee.
└ Honestly at this point, SKT will lose to RNG in the first 2-30 minutes because of the jungle. Mlxg is insane when it comes to early game executing and planning abilitiy.
▷ Sejuani is on a 5 win streak in the quarterfinals... Jarvan lost 5 games in a row
└ If you’re not blue side, Sejuani needs to be banned.
▷ They really showed the power of the Blitzcrank pick. I wonder what will happen in the 3rd game draft phase.
└ Ignar played hooking champions well from awhile ago
└ SKT is weak against hooking champions. They got destroyed when vsing a Blitz or Thresh... And how does Peanut plays the same every game and not improve? He plays to get carried. When he gets carried, he has a low hit ratio on his skills. I’m not sure how this game will go… I have a feeling Faker is going to try carrying the game too hard and losing.
└ I think Blitz pulled 7~8 times? Gets a kill or flash every time they hook.
└ If Faker did a good play near the baron with Corki, it would be a super play. I was like ‘woah’ when I saw him go in and then he got pulled by Ignar. I said nothing. If he pulled it off, it would have bought some time.
└└ Yeah fsure
▷ Blank is here. Let’s see how this goes.
└ Dark Knight is here.

└ Finally he is here. Blank is good but he didn’t get a chance to play much in the last split. I guess they use him as a fire extinguisher for this game LOL
▷ Blitz ban lmao
└ If they ban Blitz, Thresh is going to come out right? Last year, Bang got pulled 24/7 by Thresh.
└ They banned Kali. Good ban.
└ You have to win games. If they lost the game, everyone would have flamed Blitz. Now they are like GODBLITZ.
▷ Ignar Leona!
└ Misfits is insane. I think they prepared well.
└ Bang Vayne lmao. Entertaining pick.
└└ Might be a game to demonstrate Bang’s value for the team..
└└ What’s with the team comp? Trash comp but it is going to be a fun game lul
└└ Careful for solo queue games! Don’t press that queue button!
▷ Fun fun. Way more fun compared to yesterday. Both teams have prepared a lot.
└ Is this SKT? I can’t believe it
└ It isn’t Vayne it is ‘Bayne’ lel
[Early game]
▷ Fervor Leona OP GG
└ Game has already snowballed
└ I’m sorry. Fervor Leona is OP. I guess I don’t know anything about League.
└ Ignar is crazy good.
└ Is he a solo queue innovator? All support players love playing Leona... they are going to pick it up at least once
└└ You have to ban Leona and Vayne today.
└ Bang died again… Game is over.
[Faker comes to gank bot]
▷ Of course, it is a Faker one man team.
└ Faker is patching up the ripped up game. This match is spicy.
└ SKT is South Korea Team solomid
└ Forreal… everyone but Faker is playing so bad.
▷ At least, Huni is playing okay. Thought he was going to grab a solo kill.
└ I guess you can trust in Huni right after Faker. Huni is playing better than expected at worlds.
▷ The item difference between Tristana and Vayne... That has no answer.
└ This time the game has snowballed at 8 minutes. Last time, it was 6 minutes.
└ Is this one of their ‘strategies’ as well?
└ Urgh… not Jayce too...
└ As soon as we say he is doing well, he dies. Game is over.
└ Hans Sama is too big... 5 kills GG
▷ Will this going to be the end of the ‘Pick'em’?
└ Do we have to worry about SKT being eliminated?
└ I admit it is not only the jungle that’s the problem. SKT’s bot lane is not the world’s best bot lane as I remember. Seeing them lose to Leona/Blitz reeks my elo’s smell.
▷ Aren’t they losing because of the solo queue Vayne? Misfits gets bot tower first and rotates top... Vayne is just pushing by grabbing one minion at a time. When Vayne pushes the lane, they just come and clear it all at once... While he is farming bot, the enemy bot lane is doing so much else where… I’d be so tilted if this was my solo queue game.
└ It looks like someone scripted this win. Bot lane started to lose starting from last game...
└ This Rabbit was a max level Rabbit all along. Sigh, it is going to be hard. Even if they lose this game, it is 2:1. THey still have a chance. Their picks/bans make my head hurt.
└ As soon as Faker dies once, game is over.
▷ Why did they even fight the early 2v2? Leona has ignite and fervor. Why did they suicide in with minions hitting them?
└ I think they went in because they won a bit in the trade.
└ I guess they thought they could dodge Leona’s skills. Even though they didn’t dodge it.
[SKT wins a fight at baron]
└ Blank did it. HOLY CRAP!
└ Dark Knight is here! He is so cool.
▷ What is Misfits doing? Instead of benefiting, they just throw in 2 minutes
└ SKT was like ‘oh we can win now’ lmao
└ The gold and level difference is not that bad now.
└ I don’t think Nashor’s is that good. Orianna’s item choice is so unique.
└└ That is the player’s trademark.
└└ POE usually goes weird builds
└└ Theoretically it’s good. Theoretically...
▷ I think SKT could win but I’m so worried. How are they going to win against RNG...
└ They just need to stall and comeback that way.
└ I think Orianna’s items are so troll
└ Disregarding global gold, I think Misfits’ teamfighting is really good. This is because of the core item difference between Hans Sama and Bang. SKT’s top and mid is strong but Orianna teamfights better than Taliyah. Jarvan is better than Jayce in fights also. In conclusion, it is up to how well Faker can play.
[Misfits take baron]
▷ The shock is real. If SKT got the baron, that was game
└ During that, Faker lived.
└ I’m sorry I said anything about Nashor’s. POE was right.
▷ Vayne gets hit by the Orianna ult by walking into it
└ Picks Vayne after seeing the enemy comp, same goes to the early game, and same goes to teamfights. I’m just disappointed.
[Kills Orianna at the bot lane inhib tower]
▷ Gets eaten up by the belly of the beast, Faker.
└ Faker is just doing Faker things
└ This shows that it really is a Faker one man team.
▷ Tristana has 4 core items but Vayne has 2 and a half... lmao
└ Bang is going to get smacked by Faker after this game. Bang can’t even say anything back.
└ Wolf is showing when he got destroyed by EDG at MSI.
[Misfits grabs baron and kills Faker]
▷ We lost. Faker is dead.
└ Hans died as well but they got baron so GG
└ I’m not sure what would have happened if they got baron but it got stolen. The future is gone.
▷ SKT is really the Korean version of TSM. No answer.
└ I can see the 2014 Faker. "We lost because I died once"
└ Wolf’s rating will fall after this game. Such a support difference today. He has nothing to say.
└ Faker played for all 5 players... He is now one...
└ In all honesty.. Why the hell did they pick Vayne????
■ Game 4
[Picks and Bans]
▷Team SoloMid
└ Faker's job is the hardest job.
└ The Faker play at the end of last game, where he overextended with Flash, was 10,000 times understandable.
└ Solomid Korea Team.
└ You know something is really wrong if Faker's mentality is broken.
▷Explain this one for me. Is it once again Peanut's fault?
└ For game 2, the jungler played bad. But for game 3, no excuses could be made.
└ Botlane's fault.
└ In game 2, everyone on SKT played badly. For game 3, SKT's botlane was outclassed.
└ IgNar is just too overwhelming. He's keep playing something new. Is it even possible for a support to play like this?
└ It's true that SKT's botlane underperformed in game 3. But we still can't excuse Peanut for his poor performance in game 2.
▷Misfits keeps pulling out surprise cards like Blitzcrank and Leona to push for a win. On the other hand, Bang pulls out Vayne... lol. Just how much is SKT underestimating MSF? I feel like I'm seeing TSM in quarters.
└ You're being way too result-based.
└ IgNar did really well. It's not an exaggeration to say that IgNar carried games 2 and 3.
└ Bang just did Bang things.
▷I feel so bad for Faker. From his final mistake during the last game, I felt the frustration that Faker had - that he had to do something fast.
└ It's not accurate to really call that a mistake. It was the only option that he had in order to make something happen. Gragas didn't have ult, and if Faker hadn't done anything, MSF would've pushed down the inhibitors and eventually the Nexus anyway. Vayne, Lulu, and Jayce couldn't have done anything.
└ Wasn't a mistake, but rather, a final attempt.
▷???: "Wow, Faker! You're just like me!"

└ Lol.
└ Is he complimenting himself?
└└ Same as ??? in suffering because of his teammates.
└└ It's because there were a lot of times where TSM Bjergsen stood strong while his teammates underperformed.
▷Current situation.jpg

└ Max-leveled rabbits.
▷Faker Ryze!
└ I have faith in our general.
└ In the end, because of botlane, Faker is left with no choice but to play his Ryze.
└ Faker picked Ryze? He must be really angry.
▷Super excited... Can MSF connect the remaining dots?

▷SKT is playing without Ardent Censer? I don't think that's too smart...
└ If SKT loses because they didn't take Ardent Censer, the internet is going to explode. Actually, the internet will explode if SKT loses at all, regardless of why.
└ IgNar is pulling out so many different things. I think I remember IgNar using W on a minion to knock 5 people into the air.
└ I wonder how the game will play out without Ardent Censer.
[Game Begins]
▷Why did they choose Braum? Tahm Kench looks better...
└ Braum probably won't go Ardent Censer either...
└ I think they'll build Censer on him, actually.
▷MSF's tactics are so good. They're utilizing their strengths by employing aggressive supports. They're building Ardent Censer on other members of the team, so they aren't Censer-less either. In the end, they're smashing SKT... Europe is full of pioneers, and no one can beat them in that regard...
[SKT Takes the First-Blood]
▷Yes! This is what I wanted to see.
└ I released a sigh of relief. I was super nervous.
└ I thought I was watching Faker-Bengi.
└ As expected from the Blanknight!
└ An early-game gank! Something you'll never see Peanut doing!
└└ But Blank always gets Baron stolen.
└└└ lol.
└ SKT's botlane is doing well for themselves this game. I think this is the very first time that they have taken the lead like this.
[Huni Successfully Escapes]
▷Wow, Faker.
└ His usage of the ultimate was really good.
└ As expected from Faker.
└ Faker: "Get on! Just get on! Try not to die and get on the bus and I'll carry you!"
▷That's a rabbit? So god damn scary.
└ That’s a Max level Rabbit
└ Now I know how TSM got eliminated. WE, Misfits, TSM, FW... Now we know the group was hell.
└ Misfits’ coach does picks/bans so well. Karma doesn’t die to Ryze
└ TSM revaluation LOL
[After Bang gets caught at top]
▷ Bang is the problem *sigh*...
└ Why does he use all his summoner spells? Is he out of his mind?
└ If you’re going to die anyways… just die.
└ Bang is a huge issue. Was he like that before?
▷ SKT gives everything to Bang... CS and kills...
└ Misfits loses as soon as Ignar throws
└ Ignar’s meta right now LOL
▷ Bang dies again
└ What’s with Bang today?
└ They give him a kill and dies right after lmao
└ I really don’t understand Bang
└ At least because of Bang, we got to see how good Faker is. So fun LOL
▷ Misfits looks like a genuine 5 man team while SKT is like 5 solo queue players
└ Isn’t Ignar the best support now? He is better than Wolf?
└ SKT’s botlane is just...
└ How is Ignar so good?
└ ESPN doesn’t know anything about League. Why isn’t Ignar on the top tier list lmao
▷ Wolf is really trolling today. He even makes Faker die
└ damn… he tries to save that? :(
└ Bot lane is so damn heavy today
└ Today we realize, Faker’s one man team is better.
└ All my friends said they turned off the TV. Damn!
▷ Hey guys… I don’t think I can sleep tonight if SKT loses. What is this seriously...
└ Mejai’s? What kind of BM is this?
└ POE : I’m going to use the devil’s power!
└ Imagine how much Misfits disregard SKT to buy Mejai’s?
└ ROA, Nashor’s and now Mejai’s LOOOL
└ Autumn is the reading season
[SKT wins the fight at their mid inhib]
▷ HUH? SKT pulls of an SKT?
└ They ignored the tower shots and got f***** LOL
└ ‘LightFaker’ is mad and does so much damage GG
└ Faker is absolutely insane. Insane.
└ Everyone will respect SKT if they win this game. This isn’t even loss-loss-win-win-win. Faker is mad.
▷ Karma for buying Mejai’s against Faker... lmao
└ POE is going to get flamed for going Mejai’s lul
└ They aren’t Samsung but SKT.
[SKT wins another fight mid]
└ Is Faker even human? LOL
└ Braum is of course better in teamfights
└ Just now, Faker held off both mid and adc by himself LOOL
└ Don’t ever compare Faker to Bjergsen. He is on another level.
▷ So this is the ultimate carry...
└ Did Faker just compensate for 4 people?
└ WOO WOO, this team is so good. YES, THIS IS SKT!
└ Sejuani just melts to Ryze. He has over 25% and just gets shredded
▷ Any team that taunts SKT doesn’t end well. I predict SKT winning 3 to 2.
└ You need to give a reward to Faker. Feels like he just saved our country :(( Bang just needs to go to the army.
└ Watching POE remind me of someone… are you doing good iBoy?
[Misfits gets aced in front of Elder Dragon]
▷ I thought I was watching Intro of Starcraft 2:LotV. Pylon completed and warping in allies..
└ Faker’s Ryze is insane.
└ This is the difference between Faker and Bjergsen.
└ I can hear the prize for Faker as a player increase!
▷ The reason why Ryze had a 27% win rate at worlds is because... Faker didn’t play Ryze.

■ Game 5
[Start of the game & picks/bans ]
▷ I watched Faker’s Ryze retirement game pretty well.
└ This is the reason why they used it before...
└ This showed why Faker has a skin for Ryze
└ ??? : tell me, who carried?

▷ 4 Game summary.jpg #Faker #Realmwarp #Carried

▷ Let's only talk about the rank 2 of the best mid laners and not the rank 1. People who want to dispute rank 1 needs to have some sense talked into them.
└ Word.
└ When everyone is trying to discuss the rank one, the god himself is just...
└ Faker could have carried the game without Bang but the other team members couldn’t have won without Faker.
▷ Still, the Misfits Rabbits were so strong... SKT had a difficult time
└ Sivir had no presence in the fights.
└└ Her range is relatively short, can’t kill Ryze, Braum blocks her AAs, and Jarvan had ulti so it is so hard for her to deal damage.
▷ Faker trying his best to carry.jpg

└ The Mejai’s makes me laugh so hard LOL
└ Icon spam = Defeat, Mejai’s = Defeat
▷ So much talk in the commentary. Whenever Faker makes a play like that, the opponent and their fans are going to think "That monster came to worlds again huh"
└ He eats everything in his path
└ If Misfits didn’t dive at the mid inhib, they would have won... unfortunate.
▷ SKT won. It was over in the draft
└ Varus pick into Tristana? I’ve seen this somewhere before...
└ SKT should win. Tristana is picked. GG
└ But SKT Jayce... kinda worried
▷ Ignar is still playing really good. I could tell he is a good player from 2nd game Blitz, 3rd game Leona, and 4th game Alistar.
└ I agree with this.
└ He is definitely on another level
▷ How worried was Wolf that he had to pick Tahm Kench lmao. He must have been scared from the Thresh pick.
└ Tahm Kench is good. It can nullify Shen, Sejuani, and Thresh.
└ Wolf’s form is a bit weird today, but Tahm Kench is more reliant on decision making than mechanical form so… it’s a good pick.
└ If you look at pure skill in the draft, Faker is going to win.
[Game start]
└ Shen is f*****. They have a 70% chance to win this game.
└ These guys... SKT failed an invade multiple times but when it mattered the most, they make it work LOL
▷ If they put Shen behind, the bot lane won’t be that bad off. The 4 man dive with Sejuani and Shen is scary but Shen is so behind. At least bot lane won’t get camped... Blank just needs to know where Sejuani is and counter gank well.
└ Shen is csing pretty well considering vsing a Jayce
▷ Whichever way you look at it… Blank > Peanut. Even if Blank plays bad, he always has good synergy with Faker.
└ Blank will burn the enemy’s flash and counter ganks so well.
└ He really does well for his team. The laners are so comfortable right now
└ Faker is trying his best to roam, but somehow he is up cs?
[Failed 3 man gank from Misfits]
▷ Faker is unbelievable... He doesn’t use a single summoner spell and dodges everything.
└ How does he get Sejuani’s flash if it is a 1:3….
└ GOD-AKER (God + Faker)... they are going to win this one.
└ It is a 3v1 but Faker gets a summoner spell? LOOOL
└ Shouldn’t they make Faker a skin just from this play alone?
└└ They need to make a champion for him
[Misfits win a fight at mid]
▷ What the… Bang does it again.
└ Has Bang lost his mind?
└ This is just too much!
└ Bang is just having fun with his champions and costing SKT the game.
▷ Both the mid laners are doing good though. Faker always does well, but I didn’t expect POE to play this well.
└ POE is really playing a life dependent game. He is playing this game insanely well
└ Still if SKT didn’t have Faker, they would have been f*****. Everyone is riding the Faker train. That’s why even ESPN didn’t recognize Bang and Wolf.
[Huni gets bot tier 2]
▷ Huni is doing really good
└ His performance is like his spring split. He can smell like a ghost when people are going for him and when they are not.
└ Carrying his own weight at worlds
└ In the summer split, he would have died 3 times. This game he dodges everything.
▷ If they stall too long, SKT’s comp has a disadvantage right? Their team comp isn’t that good late game.
└ That’s why they picked Tristana and Jayce bought tear.
└ Even if they go to late game, they don’t need to worry much.
└ It is just execution and poking for SKT. They don’t need to go crazy 5v5. It all comes down to how well Jayce does.
▷ Misfits gets 3rd infernal GG
└ They give it up so easily
└ Syndra has Deathcap + 3 infernals...the AP must be crazy
└ SKT’s executions are so off :(((
▷ Faker has to not die. As soon as he dies once, it will be game.
└ Forreal.
└ I can’t watch this game. I’m so worried.. I can’t.
[SKT wins after the Elder Dragon teamfight]
▷ Blank!
└ If they got Elder, that would have been a 6 infernal bonus...luckily they stole it!
▷ What did I just see?
└ How did they get Syndra? That was so clean!
└ We can defend Huni dying 3 times. That flank TP was just amazing.
└└ It didn’t matter that he died before. This was incredible!
■ After the game
▷ Wolf’s decision making was insane. He went towards the Shen.
└ They shot a pretty good MukBang (videos of people eating a lot of food) LOL
└ Wolf ate too much so he had to go to the toilet lmao
▷ No but honestly, Misfits played so well. It wasen’t even just one surprise pick. In an Ardent Censer dominated meta, they play and win games to their own style. Even though they lost, Misfits showed a good performance. If they got placed against another team, we would have been able to seen them go to semis.
└ Misfits did well. Really well.
└ You guys are saying that they should have been more lucky with their placements, but they did get lucky. They would have had a tough time against WE and probably would have lost against RNG as well. I’m not too sure about Longzhu. Misfits might have done this well because they were against SKT.
└ They lost but they played well.
▷ The last smite battle really dictated the game. If Misfits had gotten Elder Dragon, they would have won because of the dragons that they took.
└ It would have been the same result. Jayce would have flanked behind anyways and killed Syndra.
└└ Because of the triple infernal is so strong with Elder, I don’t think they would have lost the fight.
▷ Am I the only one to screamed like a girl when they stole Elder?
└ My scream went all the way up to my throat
└ I took off my panties in the air and screamed
└ I screamed after the nexus exploded. I was speechless before
▷ A true star will shine bright even when the team is losing. Is there anyone who did as much as Faker? Overcoming being the best mid laner, he is just League itself.
└ Blank did the same. Wolf’s decision making was on point. Huni did get caught out a few times but his decisions to tp flank was amazing. Faker just awed me today. He really is a god. Even if Misfits lost today, they were truly amazing. Honestly if it wasen’t for Faker, Misfits would have won. Starting from the 2nd game, Misfits gave it their all. Both teams did well. Good job guys!
└ The two guys who were playing Battlegrounds screwed up and Faker had to carry.
▷ Bunny boy Shen, Riding a Rabbit Sejuani, Bunny girl Karma, Bunny girl Tristana, and Bunny girl Leona. Bye!. It was so unfortunate :((((
▷ 1) Misfits destroyed the Ardent Censer meta. They made history by almost defeating SKT. They look like a team that could even beat Chinese teams. Just as GorillA discovered Janna before worlds, Ignar discovered a whole new spectrum. Ardent counter is Leona. It looks hard to beat Alistar as an Ardent Censer bot. 2) It is going to be hard to see Peanut anymore. Each set has too much of an importance to use him. 3) Bang and Wolf were really underperforming. They would die for the stupidest reason in some of the games. To be honest in the 4th game, both teams threw for no reason at all. 4) From now on, the only player who should be considered good at league is Faker. Just like Insec left his name in League history for the Insec Kick, Faker left his name in League history yet again for being a god.
└ It wasen’t a big surprise to SKT that tank supports beat Ardent Censer. Yet, SKT’s bot lane didn’t do too well. They lost starting from the laning phase and put down the other lanes.
└└ It happens... I can’t even remember when they became dead weight in the bot lane...
▷ ??? : What would you have done if it wasen’t for me? It isn’t like I can hit you...

▷ Huni’s scenario today : I have no wards...I must split!.... F***!

└ I was on the edge of my seat watching him split.
└ I was worried every second.
└ You just have to put Huni on a damage dealer.
▷ ??? : Did something good happen?

└ Ambition : Yeah, I sold 2 baseball bats today. Some kkOma and Faker bought one.

└ Ambition : I sold a keyboard as well….

└ Faker: : Stay still… I need to put some sense into you..
▷ Today's summary.jpg

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