Last summer, SKT T1 had a hard time during the season but did not disappoint their fans. All the veteran fans who have watched over SKT since the beginning started to give way to worry. However in the 1st week of groups, SKT T1 won 3 consecutive games proving why SKT is SKT. Things turned sideways in week 2. In the first game of week 2, SKT lost a shocking game to ahq.
This was not the end however. SKT quickly recovered and claimed a win against C9, leaving only EDG to beat. No one could have predicted the outcome of this game. Although SKT did defeat EDG last week, it was not an easy game for SKT. Making the hearts of SKT’s fan’s shake as SKT had fallen victim to EDG’s early game pressure. We mustn't forget however, SKT is SKT. Somehow pulling the correct calls and teamfights, SKT comes back and claims an extraordinary win against EDG. Fans hope it would be different this time around. The 2nd game with EDG was almost a replica of the last game. SKT T1 fell yet again, victim to EDG’s early game dominance.
Despite being down a huge gold deficit, SKT did not give up. Almost reaching the end of the game, SKT T1 pull out yet another comeback and scoring the 5th win. Placing 1st seed in the groups, SKT now is scheduled to be up against EU’s Misfits. If SKT manages to win against Misfits, they get to face either RNG or FNC in the semi finals.
After the game, SKT T1’s top lane, Huni, and mid laner, Faker, was interviewed. Let’s see what they have to say!

¤ I want to ask a question to you, Faker. There is a chance you get to meet RNG in the semi finals. Since you already faced RNG before, what do you think about RNG? Do you think RNG got strong or do you think it will be a hard match for SKT?
Faker: There is definitely a chance we will face against RNG. I don’t think RNG has changed that much since the last time we saw them. It is because the roster hasn't changed that much. Since the meta right now is the ‘flaming Ardent’ meta, Uzi fits perfectly into this meta and we have to keep an eye out for him.

¤ Are you going to wear your new uniform to the quarterfinals?
Faker: I don’t think we will
¤ When do you think you will wear it then?
Faker: Probably in the semis or finals.
¤ You guys fought twice against EDG. Both games were shaky in the early game, what do you think is the reason?
Huni: Well, we heard EDG had a very strong early game. They play definitely well as well. There were some parts when we made some mistakes. I think we had a difficult early game because EDG would take advantage of our mistakes. However both games, we had a very strong late game team comp. Thanks to this, we were able to play with a mindset of stalling. This is the reason why we had no choice but to get bullied in the early stages of the game.
¤ Fans are saying there is no game that SKT can’t come back from. What do you think about this?
Faker: We typically pick champions that are very strong in the mid to late game. Because of this, I think we just have a high chance of falling behind early and also a high chance of coming back late game. If we pick a comp that revolves around the early game and fall behind, we will have difficulties coming back.
¤ Did you eat any Chinese food yet? What was your favorite?
Huni: Because of the tight schedule for training and scrims, we didn’t have any time to go out to eat some delicious food (laughs). I think either tonight or another day, if we have time, we would probably go out to eat. I can’t eat spicy food so whenever we go eat it was difficult. Other than spicy food, I eat pretty much everything so the other kinds of foods was fine.
Faker: I was especially busy with my schedule so I could only eat hotel food. I really wanted to try the Wuhan Hot Pot but I am kind of sad we didn’t get a chance to.
¤ I want to ask Huni this question. You have shown such an uplifting mood throughout the games and interviews today. Do you not get nervous performing on such a big stage?
Huni: Since it is such a big stage, I do sometimes get nervous and tend to focus more. However, I think it is quite similar to what I have experienced before. A stage is a stage so if I win I feel a huge sense of achievement. If I lose, I feel a lot more of the loss than I would off stage. I think that is the difference.

¤ To Faker, SKT’s late game seems to revolve heavily around the importance of your contribution. Do you have moments where you get stressed or feel slightly tilted?
Faker: If it isn’t a moment where I make a mistake, I don’t get tilted or stressed at all. Because of this, I can focus throughout the entirety of the late game without any problems.
¤ Today you lost against ahq’s mid laner, Westdoor’s Fizz. This scenario has once happened before hence its importance. The very next game you picked Fizz. What is the reason for you picking Fizz?
Faker: I thought in laning phase, Fizz would be a pretty decent pick. In the previous game, I did give a lot of kills to Fizz. However, my pick on Fizz had no correlation with the previous game.
¤ Currently, SKT T1 is considered the best team by other regional teams. In your perspective, what do the other regional teams have to do to beat SKT?
Huni: I actually have personal experience on vsing SKT as another team. At that moment, I thought SKT was the best team because every player on the team was a flawless player. I couldn’t find anything to exploit in any player. Perhaps other teams now think the same because of what we have shown so far and our careers.
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