- TSM vs WE: "TSM needs Sven's 200 IQ throws to win"
- TSM vs MSF: "NA/EU fans must be having a blast. KR/CN teams aren't as fun"
- TSM vs MSF(Tiebreaker): "Whoever wins, Reddit is going to explode"
■ Picks and Bans
▷Oh merciful Buddha... please let TSM place 2nd in groups.
└ I would like TSM to defeat MSF, then beat WE afterward. Would be tied again.
└ Let's got for another long run of tiebreakers today!
└ Time to hunt max leveled rabbits.
└ Entertaining game incoming?
└ Yasuo and Blitzcrank lol.
└ SPOILER: Doublelift is going to get hooked at an important moment.
└└ Doublelift is pretty magnetic, isn't he?
└└└ Blitzcrank is scary even for pros. Once, even Faker flashed out of respect when he felt the presence of Blitzcrank.
└└└└ There was a moment where Faker was hooked while riding on Taliyah's ult.
▷The rabbits have gone crazy... I can't believe they picked Yasuo.
■ Match Begins
▷Did Madlife return to Worlds? Why is that Blitzcrank so good lol.
└ Ig-Life
■ MSF Secures First-Blood and Takes the Lead
└ I think it'll end soon. Losing that many minion waves early on could be very detrimental.
└ Goodbye, TSM.
└ ???: "We're different this year!" (Yeah, Okay)
└ NA's 2nd Week Curse is the truth. No, it's science.
└ I really didn't expect TSM to be this weak once Tristana was banned. Goodbye, TSM.
▷Europe's 2nd Week is something different. I acknowledge them.
└ Bjergsen seems to be off his form...
└ TSM's botlane must feel so bad. Whenever they attempt to try something, Ryze comes and ruins their day. In Solo Queue, they probably would type, "What is our midlaner doing?"
└ No...!!! I ranked TSM as 1st in their group in that League of Legends quest...
└ The curse of C9... As a matter of fact, C9 themselves are in danger tomorrow.
└ Europe always shows up during Worlds... and NA's week 2 curse...
▷Both Thresh and Blitzcrank carried in the Ardent Censer meta... If MSF continues winning and beats WE, IgNar will undoubtedly be the MVP for week 2.
└ I think IgNar and Mystic will become the MVP.
■ TSM Wins a Teamfight in Midlane
└ Bjergsen did it!
└ As expected, Yasuo is science.
└ TSM is a teamfighting team!
└ IgNar is suddenly attempting "death" grabs.
▷Yasuo: "It's okay, I didn't die and I took some assists. It's an advantage for us. I'll carry later."
└ To be honest, it's not Yasuo's fault.
└└ Picking Yasuo is a fault.
└└ It's a sin.
▷NA and EU fans must be having a blast. KR and CN teams aren't fun like them.
└ SKT vs EDG teamfights were pretty fun, don't you think?
└ kt
└ You're underrating Deft.
▷"NA's Week 2" VS "Yasuo" = A battle between science and science.
└ The Yasuo that we all know and love, lmao.
■ Doublelift Gets Caught
▷Come on Doublelift... lol
└ TSM was in the lead. Doublelift being the God of Balancing.
└ If there were any remaining objectives, MSF might've retaken the lead. Thankfully, there were none to take.
└ They have Ryze... where did Doublelift get the audacity to be out there like that?
■ TSM Wins Another Teamfight in the Midlane
▷Woah, Hauntzer... the invincible Gnar. He's good.
└ In the end, it's the Ardent Censer.
└ In the end, Team SoloTop.
▷Svenskeren is playing better than his opposing jungler. I think this is the first time lol.
└ Sejuani is such a scary pick for champions with short range. Yasuo and Jarvan are melee champs, Ryze is an "in-fighter" styled mage, and Xayah is relatively short ranged when compared to the other ADCs.
■ Post-Match
▷The Yasuo pick wasn't the problem. MSF's win condition was to stay even with Gnar in the toplane, and split-push in the late-game... but the problem erupted when they got caught out in front of the mid tower. Before that, MSF was actually showing the fans why they took Yasuo and Blitzcrank.
└ Yasuo dealt 8484 damage lmao.
└ As expected, Perkz is the best of Europe. Alphari lost.
▷The combination of Yasuo and Ardent Censer was amazing...! It has stopped the "NA Week 2 Curse"!
└ The strong and delicious flavor of NA's fun games.
└ I'm rooting for you TSM! Please, let's make it to the big stage...!
▷Doublelift's facial expression... lol. He's letting out a sigh of relief.
└ The face of a man that has lived 100 years.
└ ???: "Hey, this time, I was only hooked like twice."
▷"Doublelift after the games.gif"
└ "Happiness"
└ lol.
└ I can "feel" Doublelift feeling relief.
└ Came back from the dead.
└ That weak and subtle 'V'.
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