WE claims yet another win against FW, adding 1 more win to their score. WE’s performance from these past games makes it hard to believe they lost a game in the first week. Now scored with a 4-1 score, WE leads Group D in hopes to secure 1st seed place.
After the match in the Brazilian channel, WE’s ADC, Mystic, was interviewed. Let’s see what he has to say about the Caitlyn pick!

¤ It has been awhile since we have seen Caitlyn after this patch. Why did you guys bring her back this week? Is there anything else besides side pressure that she does well?
First of all, I like this champion. Caitlyn's attack speed was nerfed but due to the Ardent Censer it was compensated. We also had really good results when scrimming.
¤ Doublelift sat for the Brazilian broadcast saying that he doesn’t think you are the best 3 ADCs in the world. He even said Uzi and iBoy are better than you. How do you feel about these comments?
....uh I think I’m doing pretty good so please don’t lose hope in me and please keep watching me play.
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