The unexpected Misfits takes away a game from TSM
On the 2nd game of the 4th day (8th) the League of Legends World Championships, EU’s Misfits was victorious against NA’s TSM. TSM showed solid macro play by securing 2 Baron’s and an Elder Drake in adverse situations. However, Misfits dominated every other part of the game did not falter or hesitate to initiate teamfights and end the game in their favor.
Afterwards, Misfits’ PowerofEvil was interviewed. Let’s see what he has to say!

¤ Why is it that you find these openings against TSM?
I don’t know… Everytime I’m with Bjergsen, I feel like both of us wants to win so badly. It is so intense. We always play assassin against assassin or kill mages in the mid lane. It is always fun to vs Bjergsen and TSM mostly. I was really comfortable in the games because my teammates will always say I’m the kryptonite for TSM (laughs). I can just go into the games with a good confidence boost.
¤ It was a very hard comp to execute. What do you think it came down to for you guys to take the win?
I feel like we executed our team comp really good. You can see the match up in mid lane clearly. I’m supposed to make plays in the side lanes early. Bjergsen is supposed to get the cs lead in the 1v1. I feel like both mid laners fulfilled their roles but I got a huge snowball on our ADC, Hans Sama. Props to him cause he played insanely well in the game and pulled the damage numbers afterwards.
¤ Where do you see yourself ending? Let’s start with the group here.
Everyone expected us to be 4th in the group but we proved everyone wrong, just like in the EU LCS playoffs. Now our eyes are on the 1st or 2nd place seed and we really need to perform good as we did this week. We’ll be good afterwards.
¤ One more for the fans. Are we going to see Orianna with Nashor’s tooth?
It depends how often my team thinks it is good (laughs).
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