The 5th game at Worlds today featured C9 and ahq.
While playing against ahq, Jensen's Ryze, Contractz's Ezreal, and Impact's Nautilus all executed their plays perfectly. From the very beginning, C9 took advantage of their high mobility and constantly tried to catch the members of ahq while pressuring towers - to which they succeeded.
ahq, in an attempt to get back into the game, caught Ezreal and Nautilus near their red. But C9 took full advantage of their Ryze's ultimate and took over the entire map, to which was too hard for ahq to reverse. In the end, C9 obtained a 10k gold lead before 30 minutes and eventually, took the 3rd win today for NA.
The following is an interview done between Sjokz and Contractz.
It's our 3rd time seeing jungle Ezreal at Worlds. What's the most important thing for playing Ezreal and to make sure he wins?
Jungle Ezreal is pretty tricky to play, and I haven't fully mastered him yet myself. Az Ezreal, you need to get the enemy jungler behind - to which I couldn't really do, so that was a mistake on my part. I feel like I could've gotten better vision in his jungle... But yeah, being a big early-game factor is important.
Nautilus didn't work for you guys yesterday, but it did today. Why do you guys prefer that pick?
It wasn't really the Nautilus that lost us the game yesterday, it was me that made a lot of dumb mistakes that cost our team the game. Nautilus is just really good with Ezreal because he can set up plays really easily because Ezreal lacks CC. Nautilus is a safe pick that can engage and be the frontline that Ezreal needs. He also has good matchups against other toplaners and I think that's why Impact prefers it.
You seem very introspective. We've heard before from you that you're quite nervous on stage. So is that the biggest hurdle for you guys? To keep calm and be yourselves?
Definitely. Yesterday, I played my first Worlds game on Groups against SKT, and I guess my nervousness kind of shows because of my performance yesterday. But I tried to calm my nerves a little bit today - and I'm still kind of nervous because I'm shaking a little bit - but I think I'm doing pretty good right now.
NA is 3-0 today. Any comments regarding it?
We're the best NA team here.
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