How does it feel to finally be crowned champions?
Kyung-ho "Smeb" Song: It was a difficult victory. I'm very, very happy.
Wang-ho "Peanut" Han: Lifting a championship trophy has been my number one goal ever since I first dreamt of becoming a professional gamer. I'm happy to have achieved it relatively quickly.
Seo-haeng "Kuro" Lee: After three runner-up finishes, finally taking first place after a 3-2 series feels exhilarating.
Sung-min "Cry" Hae: I haven't been able to play all that often, but I'm happy we won.
Jong-in "Pray" Kim: Game 5 was extremely tense. We won because luck was on our side.
Beom-hyeon "GorillA" Kang: I've played in four OGN/LCK finals but this is my first win. I promise to keep working hard and win more tournaments.
Sang-soo "SSONG" Kim: The series was much closer than I thought it would be.
No-chul "NoFe" Jeong: Although I'm elated, this victory is hardly the end. We will prepare hard for the upcoming World Champonship and deliver there as well.
How on Earth did you steal Baron?
Smeb: I was only thinking of taking down Jhin; stealing Baron was completely unexpected and I could only laugh at my unbelievable good fortune. Peanut asked me for a high five.
Just how good is blue side on this patch?
NoFe: The current meta seems to heavily favor blue side in drafts, which is why both teams opted for it every game.
You were crying a lot on stage - how did you feel?
Kuro: I had finally won something for the first time in my career - it was a really important match for me. The series were so neck-and-neck... coming out of it victorious filled me with overwhelming bliss.
What was the rationale behind banning two junglers in Game 5?
NoFe: I felt KT Rolster shined most when Score was on a well-rounded and consistent champion such as Rek'sai. We wanted to ensure the jungle matchup was an aggressive mechanics duel in which Peanut could flourish in.
Was the Game 5 Hecarim pick planned in advance?
Peanut: Our early Hecarim pick was intended to deny it from KT Rolster. We did not want to let them take control of the early game and snowball off it.
Any insight on today's bottom lane matchup?
Pray: Jhin lost all games today - I think that was huge. Regarding Game 5 specifically, I picked Sivir because her superior waveclear would allow GorillA to roam more.
GorillA: After the first two games, we felt that our defenseless/escapeless ADC picks were holding us back from pressing advantages hard enough. Starting from Game 3, we drafted more proactive compositions that could roam and/or group early on with less risk.
Thoughts heading into Worlds?
Smeb: We were very confident heading into the finals because our recent scrim performance was excellent, but KT Rolster made us realize we still had a ways to go. We will prepare harder.
Peanut: Our level of play today was underwhelming, especially in the games we lost; we often fell back to our old bad habit of trying to force things in haste. We are determined to fix these problems.
Kuro: I believe our LCK victory shows we have a good shot at the Worlds trophy as well. If we can improve upon the mistakes we made today, we will go far.
Cry: We want to win the whole thing. I pledge to put up a good performance if called upon.
Pray: Supposedly, teams are sent home as they lose... we want to have the longest stay.
GorillA: I had never slept as little before a finals as I did today; I feel bad for having failed to manage my physical condition. I know I could have played much better, and will work hard to deliver that at Worlds.
SSONG: We play so much better in scrims - today was disappointing. Heading into Worlds, we will make sure we can replicate that level of play on stage.
NoFe: The past two years have been hectic and stressful for us all, and I'd like to offer sincere gratitude to our managers and staff for helping us with everything. Most importantly, I really want to thank our fans - we could not have made it this far without you. We will push on to shine at Worlds. Please keep on cheering for us.
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