LCK finally comes up!
We took videos of three LCK teams departing for China for the 2017 Worlds. Let's listen to the feelings of the three LCK teams heading for the best stage in the world.
For convenient playback, the video is divided into Part 1(Faker, PraY, CuVee) and Part 2(Peanut, Ruler, Khan). Each video is about five minutes long.
Part.1 (Faker, PraY, CuVee)
1. Faker
Q. Finally you get to set off to Worlds! How do you feel?
The Worlds that I have been waiting for so long has finally come. I’m just really excited. Since we have been practicing non stop for a month without any matches, I am excited to start playing competitively again.
Q. Not too long ago, the group placements were finalized. Do you like how it turned out for SKT T1 in Group A?
I like and dislike my group. I do think it is a very strong group but we can evaluate teams off one game so in that aspect I think it is pretty good.
Q. You guys get to vs EDG and your former teammate ,Scout in EDG. How do you feel matching against him?
I don’t think there is anything special about it. It will be the same as vsing any other mid laner in my opinion.
Q. You are currently 3rd in KR solo queue and even went 25 kills on Fizz. You are performing really well in solo queue.
Recently it has been going really well for me. I was constantly thinking about how I can improve myself before I head to Worlds.
Q. Did you bring anything specific for Worlds? Like toothpaste?...
I didn’t bring anything specific with me for Worlds. Whenever I travel overseas, I don’t really bring anything special with me.
Q. Can you say a few words about going into Worlds this year?
World Championships, as always, will be a very important stage. SKT will perform on par with the caliber of importance and win Worlds again.
2. Pray
Q. How do you feel leaving for Worlds?
It has been a month since the summer finals and the time passed so fast. I worked so hard till now so I hope to have a good finish at Worlds.
Q. The last time we talked was at the summer finals. How have you been?
Like I said before, time passed so fast I cannot even remember what I really did. After the finals, I took a break and did nothing for awhile. After this, I started non stop practicing.
Q. Do you like the teams placed in your group?
I have always been pleased with my group but I never got the end results I wanted for how much I liked it. Since I like my group again this year, I want to yield better results by going a clean 6:0 to move on without any worries.
Q. There are a few players going to Worlds for the first time. Were the other players nervous?
I would have to personally ask cause I’m not too sure myself. However, they have played in big stages before so I don’t think they will be that nervous.
Q. Did you bring anything for China?
I didn’t bring anything specific. Food wise, I’m going to be there for a long time so if I need anything I’ll just buy it along the way.
Q. Lastly, can you say a few words about Worlds?
This is my 5th times going to Worlds. Last year, I have finished in the quarterfinals. This year I want to make it past the quarterfinals and reach the finals. I want to show good results this year.
3. Cuvee
Q. You went to Worlds last year and get to go again this year. How do you feel?
Firstly, I felt good going into Worlds this year without making any mistakes and because of this I can go with a happy mindset.
Q. Samsung got placed in Group C. How do you feel about the teams in your group?
I think it is fine because we don’t have C9. I think if we had C9, it would have been a lot more difficult.
Q. What did you bring for luggage for this trip?
China has a lot of strong spices in their food so I brought a lot of instant food for me.
Q. Do you personally dislike Chinese food?
I went to China not long ago for a Samsung event and the spices were too strong for me to even eat the food.
Q. Can you say some final words for Worlds?
I want to reach the finals like I did last year. I will try my best and to show you guys some great games. Thank you.
Part. 2 (Peanut, Ruler, Khan)
1. Peanut
Q. Today you leave for Worlds. How is your condition?
I didn’t get much sleep so I am not in the best condition but I am still happy to go.
Q. What do you think about Group A? Do you like how it turned out?
I always think it any group is difficult. I thought the last year’s group was difficult as well. I think this year will be a bit more even but I don’t have too much thought in group placements.
Q. You had a lot of experiences going overseas. You must have taken no time to prepare.
I have become very efficient in packing my clothes. I brought a keyboard in my carrier this time as well. Last year, my bag was extremely heavy. Because of this, I learned a few useful tips along the way.
Q. I heard before you were planning to leave, you asked Kuro to go shopping (laughs).
I went with Kuro to buy a few pairs of pants and I honestly think I can go shopping alone. I also bought some contact lenses with Kuro. And I don’t understand why I didn’t use contact lenses before. It was literally a new world for me. It is really good.
Q. Oh do you have your lenses on right now?
I don’t have them on right now.
Q. Since it is your first time using contact lenses, is it hard taking out your contact lenses?
I had to dye my hair so I had to take out my lenses. So maybe 10 minutes? 15 minutes? Roughly that time. My eyes would get red and everything.
Q. Do you like Chinese food?
I only have eaten hot pot, fried rice and things like that. I have never gotten a chance to eat a lot of Chinese food so I would just have to go and find out.
Q. Could you say some words to your fans for the upcoming Chuseok(Thanksgiving) break?
I hope you guys will have a good Chuseok break. Our games will be held during Chuseok and I hope you guys could tune in for a little. If you guys can support us, it will mean a lot.
2. Ruler
Q. How are your feelings to go to Worlds again?
I am just amazed and happy by just the fact that I am able to go to Worlds again.
Q. CuVee is pleased with the group placements. How do you feel about the groups?
I have the same thought as CuVee. I like how the placements went. Because our group has a lot of strong bot laners, I’m excited to vs them.
Q. Does Chinese food fit your palate?
In last year, I went to China for an event and we went to a lot of fancy restaurants. It was really good. Since we won’t be able to go to any fancy places this time around, I don’t think it will fit my taste too well this time.
Q. Did you bring some Korean food with you?
I brought a lot of instant rice with me, but my carrier got a little bit too heavy so I had to take some out. I still think I brought enough food (laughs).
Q. You got rank 1 in KR solo queue before you got to leave to China. I want to congratulate you and ask how you feel about this achievement?
Since I am going to be leaving for Worlds, I didn’t think I could reach rank 1 this season. However, I hit rank 1 one day before and I feel extremely satisfied.
Q. Could you say a few words going into Worlds and some words for Chuseok?
The first thing I want to say is that I am going to aim to never lose lane. Winning in general is my main goal. Now it is almost Chuseok. Even though I am jealous a lot of people are resting during the break, I am happy to work hard and I hope you guys can support us while you guys are on break. Thank you.
3. Khan
Q. You look tired than usual. How is your condition?
I feel fine but I couldn’t grab much sleep because I was so nervous. It is also the morning so that’s why I might look a bit lost.
Q. You look really tired actually… are you okay?
Yes. I’m okay. Still living (laughs).
Q. It is your first time heading to Worlds. How do you feel?
I am happy I get the opportunity to perform at such a big stage. I am proud and I’m not going to lie that I am enjoying myself.
Q. Are you satisfied with the group placements? Your teammates all say it is perfect.
I don’t know if it is perfect. There is not necessarily an easy group and I’m just glad we don’t have to face another Korean team yet.
Q. You originally lived in China for a bit. Do you like eating Chinese food?
As long as it doesn’t have any strong spices, I don’t tend to stray away from most foods. I usually eat almost everything so I don’t think there will be any problems for me regarding food.
Q. It is almost Chuseok break. Did you go to Jeju to visit your family?
Sadly no. I decided I can’t go to Jeju till the World Championships is over. I haven’t been to Jeju in almost 4-5 months. I haven’t been since the start of the season, but hopefully I’ll go to Jeju with some good results after Worlds.
Q. Lastly, can you say some final words to your fans?
The chances our team would make it to Worlds was a needle in a haystack but we made it through. As a team representing Korea, I want to continue producing great results. I hope everyone has a good Chuseok break and thank you.
A managing editor who can do more things than you think.
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