Considered one of the biggest underdogs of the 2017 Play-ins, Lyon Gaming has shown to the teams and to the world that they are a team with potential. Showing an impressive performance against talented teams such as Team WE, Lyon Gaming constantly surprises us. Lyon Gaming winning against Gambit secures their spot into the next round of play-in stages.
The MVP of the early game, Oddie, Lyon Gaming’s jungler, has performed incredibly well in the match against Gambit. Out-jungling the declared king of early game aggression, DiamondProx, Oddie shut down the snowball win condition of Gambit and has helped out close out the game. After the match, ‘Fish’ interviews Oddie about his thoughts on the previous match and his thoughts on proceeding to the next stage of the play-ins.
¤ You went faced DiamondProx and performed really well in the early game against him. How did you prepare against him?
We know this guy really abuses his level 1 and 2 so we put our plan to counter jungle his early game. He picked a tank jungler so we knew he would not do that much in the early game. We just focused on stopping him from getting help and neutralized him.
¤ With that win, you have secured yourself for the next stage of play-ins. With your impressive performances against teams like WE, are you confident going into the next stage of the play-ins?
Definitely. We think we can actually make it to the next stage, group stage. I am very proud the team has improved a lot for the past 2 weeks and I am totally confident that we will make it into the group stage.
¤ Do you have anything you want to say to your fans right now?
I want to especially thank my family, more so my father as he always looks at my games, my mother, and my girlfriend. I want to thank my fans for supporting us because even though we lost against a local team, and we want to thank everybody and the fans.
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