Today's Patch Notes for BDO KR are divided into two parts. Part 1 is available here:
W+RMB after Flash Step will now activate Burial at Sea (Awakening skill).
The mechanics for Burial at Sea and Wave Orb (Awakening skills) have been adjusted.
Added a description to the skill tooltip for Flow: Mass Destruction that the skill’s damage will increase if used in Awakening mode.
Eye of Blue Dragon (Awakening skill) will now have super armor.
Added a description regarding super armor to the skill tooltip for Flow: Burial at Sea (Awakening skill).
The animation for Rising (Awakening skill) will be faster.
The animation for the first hit in Vortex (Awakening skill) will be faster.
Using Flow: Prey Hunt in Awakening mode will not consume Martial Spirit Shards anymore.
PvE damage for Blue Lightning (Awakening skill) has increased.

PvE damage for Dragon Fist Strike (Awakening skill) has increased from 450% to 536%.
PvE damage for Torrent (Awakening skill) has increased.

The damage for Burial at Sea (Awakening skill) has increased.

The damage for Wave Orb (Awakening skill) has increased.

Chohojang (non-Awakening skill) will consume less WP.

The second hit of Blue Lightning will pull monsters.
Dragon Fist Strike can be canceled in the middle.
The Stamina consumption while Sprinting in Awakening mode has decreased.
When using certain non-Awakening skills after using Crouching Wolf in Awakening mode, you can now cancel in the middle of Crouching Wolf.
Fixed an issue where targets hit by Swamp of Blue Dragon (Awakening skill) did now show any animation.
Using other skills after Blue Lightning has become faster.
The Mystic can now use Torrent and Blue Lightning consecutively without pressing Shift.
Pressing RMB while using Torrent will activate the last hit for Dragon Fist Strike.
Fixed the graphical glitch with Zebra Underwear.
You can now sell Waterway and Scarecrow to NPC vendors.
Prices have been removed from the item tooltip for the following items.
- [Guild] Ink, [Guild] Parchment, [Guild] Was, [Guild] Emblem
You can now sell the following Guild items to Guild Shops.
- [Guild] Special Iron Ingot Crate from Calpheon Workshop
- [Guild] Vanadium Chain
- [Guild] Titanium Stud
- [Guild] Tough Silk Thread
- [Guild] Beast’s Skin
- [Guild] Skilled Human Sailor
- [Guild] Skilled Dwarf Sailor
- [Guild] Skilled Goblin Sailor
- [Guild] Skilled Giant Sailor
- [Guild] Registration: Valencia Elephant
- [Guild] Registration: Cadria Elephant
The chance of successful Enhancement has increased for the following items.
- Ring/Necklace/Earring of Sealed Magical Power
- Necklace of Sealed Spell
- Helm Destroyer’s Belt
You can no longer borrow the following items by spending CP.
- Return the items you already have to the Chiefs at each village to have your CP back.
- Ronatz’s Carnage Weappons
- Grandus’ Carnage Longsword
- Dobart’s Carnage Longsword
- Basquean Ljurik’s Carnage Longbow
- Theophil Batial’s Carnage Longbow
- Bartholomeo’s Carnage Amulet
- Lehard Motenon’s Carnage Amulet
- Valks’ Carnage Axe
- Dominic Erne’s Carnage Axe
- Lavientia Batian’s Carnage Shortsword
- Vitheons Belucci’s Carnage Shortsword
- Renaldus’ Carnage Blade
- Luolo Grebe’s Carnage Blade
- Donatt’s Carnage Staff/Kriegsmesser/Gauntlet
- Gorgath’s Carnage Staff/Kriegsmesser/Gauntlet
- Xaviero’s Helmet
- Margaret’s Armor
- Delphad Castallion’s Guardian Armor
- Alfredo’s Gloves
- Luke’s Gloves
- Ornella’s Gloves
- Alejandro’s Gloves
- Ceasar’s Gloves
- Cliff’s Shoes
- Islin’s Shoes
- Lebyos’ Shoes
- Larc’s Shoes
- Romano’s Shoes
- Herman Feresio’s Necklace
- Marco Faust’s Necklace
- Nelydormin’s Necklace
- Crio’s Protection Necklace
- Freharau’s Protection Earring
- Giovan Grolin’s Earring
- Fridri Dofricson’s Earring
- Indri’s Earring
- Marsella’s Protection Ring
- Jordine’s Protection Ring
- Enrique Encarotia’s Ring
- Klam Cessory’s Ring
- Serbianca’s Ring
New Quest gears have been added.
- You can get the quests that will give the below gears from the Black Spirit.
- Delphad Castillion’s Carnage Weapon
- Cruhon Helmet
- Red Orc Armor
- Ceasar’s Gloves
- Amerigo’s Shoes
- Predator’s Helmet
- Wind Crystal Gloves
- Shoes of Skilled Adventurer
- Eagle Claw
- Kaia Necklace
- Exquisite Naga Earring
- Chimera’s Eye Gem
- Cultist’s Black Ring
New conditions for using Lafi’s Upgraded Compass have been added.
- The item cannot be used in the servers that are having a Node/Conquest War.
- Teleport will not work if the character or the character’s mount has Trade items.
- The item will not work on Horde members.
The base damage for [Combat] Trina Destroying Axe has decreased, but it will deal additional damage to medium/large siege towers.
Fixed an issue where [Witch] Lahr Arcien Dagger (7 days) was not deleted from inventory after the duration was over.
You can now check how many Marni Stones you have by right-clicking on the item.
The type and order of monsters that appear after Round 10 in Savage Rift will now change randomly.
- After Round 10, new types of monsters can appear. You will have to find an effective strategy against the monsters.
- Org or Saunil Siege Captain will appear as a boss monster in Round 25.
Conditions to enter the defending Militia has changed.
- You can participate in the defending Militia even if you do not own a Node in the territory you are fighting for.
- The respawn spot for the defending Militia has changed to inside a castle.
New Titles related to Valtarra: Altar of Training have been added.
You can no longer change to the channel you selected in Savage Rift Status window, if the Savage Rift in that specific channel already went further than Round 4.
Fixed an issue where installable objects still remained in Savage Rift even after the game is over.
Pet effects will still be applied even when the Pet Hunger Meter is 0.
- However, pets will not loot if the hunger meter is 0.
Fixed an issue where pet effects overlapped when pets recover hunger gauge.
The Camp System has been added.

- You can acquire a Camp Kit and Knowledge on Camp Kit from the Black Spirit after completing associated quests. You can receive the quets from the Black Spirit after completing [Boss] Frightening Witch.
- Right clicking the Camp Kit will open a separate UI. You can start camping by clicking the area you want to set up your campsite.
- The campsite can be set in Combat Zone with a slope less than 10 degrees. The campsite cannot be set up on a path, and there should be no obstacles around.
- The campsite will be removed when Node/Conquest Wars start, when you switch to another character, and when you reconnect.
- You cannot set up a campsite if Node/Conquest War is going on.
- The campsite will not have any function unless it is equipped with Old Moon Camp Shop and Old Moon Camp Anvil. You can sell your items and repair your gear after having the above items in your campsite.
- You can repair your gear by spending silver in the campsite.
- Old Moon Camp Shop is obtainable via quest once, and is usable for one week. After one week, you will have to buy one from the “Old Moon Manager” in each big city.
- Old Moon Camp Anvil is obtainable via quest once, and is usable for 24 hours. After 24 hours, you will have to craft one in the Life Skill (L) menu or in a Workshop at 2-2 Tarif.
- Camp Shop and Camp Anvil will remain installed in the campsite if you remove and re-setup the campsite with the same character.
- You can find some better Camp Tools in Pearl Shop. Pearl Camp Tools have infinite duration.
Fixed an issue where Degraded Old Tree Treant and Degraded Ruins Tree Treant moved too far.
Ohonsey Archers will not knock you back anymore.
Fixed an issue where Urgon and Rour Lavi disappeared when a player dies.
The recommended AP for Valtarra: Altar of Advanced Training has been set to 150.
The rewards for Valtarra: Altar of Advanced Training have increased.
- More chance of getting Forest Fury, Shard of Shattered Light, and Valtarra’s Hidden Light Belt.
[Quest and Knowledge]
Knowledge card image for NPC Novara has been added.
New quest series “Black Spirit’s Gift II” has been added.
- You will receive the quest from Black Spirit while you are doing the level 1 to 50 main quests.
- The quest will give you some useful gear. The quets can only be completed once per family.
New Daily quests for Savage Rift have been added.
- [Repeat] Against a wave of monsters
- You can receive the quet from an NPC in Savage Rift.
New Story quests have been added in Mediah.
New quests to get Terrmian Fishing Rod have been added.
- Terrmian Fishing Rod increases the chance of getting Rare/Large Fishes, and is not repairable.
New quests have been added.

New Adventure Knowledge has been added.
- Mediah Merchant Vessel sunken in the sea
- Fault Topography
- The door to the Heaven
- Three-legged Octobus Rock
- Seven Great streams of Water
- Snake Lair Rock
- Limestone Cave
- 8-layer Waterfall
- Broken Natural Bridge
- Strange Rocks in the Deep Sea
- Western Entrance to Strait of Al Halam
- Ancient Ruins in Eltor Sea
- An Eternal Pond in Rock Area
- Elephant Rock in Grana
- Golden Sunset in Grana
- Ladiana, where the wind blows
- Baby Elephant Rock
- Sunset Point
- Petroglyphs in the Sea
- Dragon Jaw in Strait of Al Halam
- Shipwreck in Strait of Al Halam
- Dangerous play
- Dried Stream in Pujiya Canyon
- A Mysterious Map written on a Rock
- Flat Mushroom Rock in Mediah
- Altar of Ancient Goblins
You can gain the associated Knowledge by chance when you kill Ahib’s Griffon.
[Graphical Effects]
The graphical effects when monsters are attacked have been improved.
Graphical effects vary according to the type of the monsters.
When Boss Monsters are attacked, graphical effects will appear in the direction the attacker (your character) is watching.
- More graphical effects will appear when large Monsters are hit.
- Blood will splash to the ground.
“Old Moon Manager” has been added in Velia, Heidel, Calpheon, Altinova, Grana, and Valencia.
The backlight in the character customization, due, and Pearl Shop screens has been softened.
The color of the graphical effects in Savage Rift has changed.
You can fish rare fishes in the coast of Velia.
You can now move the shop window in Savage Rift, and close the window by pressing ESC.
Fixed an issue where Savage Rift Points were reset to 0 when a player leaves and re-enters the game, but did not appear as 0 to other players.
Descriptions regarding installable objects in Savage Rift have been added.
You can now close other windows by pressing ESC while fishing.
Added a description regarding throwing away useless items during auto fishing.
The scroll bar in the skill window will go to the top when closing and reopnening the windown.
When you link an item in the chat window, the actual image of the item will appear.
Description sentences have been added in the “add a tab (+)” icon and the chat window setting icon.
When you can no longer buy a certain item in Pearl Shop, a sign that reads “Sold Out” will appear on the item.
“Skip Reformation Animation” option has been added in the Reform menu.
You can now change the order of your pets in the pet menu. (Your pets should not be out if you want to change their orders)
In the Setting - Game - Character Names menu, a new option where you can see other characters’ ranking has been added.
Optimization Option (Beta) will now appear at the top of the Setting - Performance menu.
The descriptions in Optimization Option have been edited.
A new option where you can hide other characters has been added.
- The option will hide all other characters except for hostile characters when fps is too low.
- Black Desert Online is trying to provide our players with the best graphic. We are working for better optimization so that everyone can enjoy the game in a positive environment. We will continue to work towards better optimization.
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Comments :2
level 1 davidl92
Would the update affect the normal Traveler's Map and permanent 2-way Traveler's Map (Archaeologist's Map)?
level 1 Yullie
@davidl92Hi :)
The patch notes does not mention anything about Traveler's Map/Archaeologist's Map so those items will not be affected.