Greetings, Black Desert Online players.
As BDO is a massive game, we thought you might have a lot of questions regarding gear, life skills, characters, or any other subjects related to the gameplay.
If you are relatively new to the game, you might want to ask questions regarding which class to main, what to do after you hit Level 56, what is the fastest way to level up a specific life skill, etc. If you are a somewhat skilled and experienced player, you might have questions about whether or not you should reroll to the Striker or stick with your original main, what is the recommended AP/DP to smoothly grind in Crescent as a Warrior, how much did the recent update in the KR server change the game, etc.
This post is to help you with any questions you have and any problems you encounter while playing the game. Ask any question or ask for any piece of advice regarding the gameplay in this post and we will be more than happy to answer your questions. Post your questions in the comment section below and our staff at BDO Inven will be answering them.
Of course, if you see questions you yourself know the answer to in the post, you can answer them on your own. Feel free to answer any questions you want to answer, as it will help other BDO players a lot!
There are no limits to what you can ask as long as it is related to the gameplay. Use this post to get the answers to your questions and share your game knowledge with others!

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Comments :47
level 1 Dinotron
What are some of the easy/quick Energy topics to boost total Energy as a newer player? I'm sitting at round 175 right now, but I'd love to have it at 250+.
level 1 Yullie
@DinotronThe subcategories under “Topography” and “Character” are the easiest topics to complete. When visiting different regions to collect Topography Knowledge, you should collect Character Knowledge at the same time. Talk to every NPC you see as you are trying to get Topography Knowledge, and you will be completing both Topography and Character categories.
The Adventure Journal is also a good topic to try, but it will take some time to complete since you have to do some quests in the associated region. Aim for Character and Topography first if you want to increase your max energy quickly. Get additional Knowledge from the monsters at major grind spots, and it won’t be long before you have 250 Energy.
Some easy topics to get are Ocean Knowledge, Node Manager (Northern Sea), and the Iliya Island Adventure Journal, if you haven’t traversed the ocean and the islands. You can either follow someone who already has the ocean map, or sail on your own boat. The common route is to depart from Port Epheria, head north and visit the islands and sea to the north of Epheria, turn to Velia, and then sail further towards the east. You will get 36 Energy in about 3 hours.
At first it might seem like progress goes quite slowly, but getting 250 Energy is not so hard! :)
level 1 Reallynow
Hi, I would like to suggest you making a "road to" series, featuring major farm spots in Valencia. Like road to Desert Rogan, Pila My etc. with safe parking places for mounts too. I know there are videos out there but there are ppl who don't have second monitor, and switching back and forth is dangerous to mounts cuz of monsters. Even now lots of new players have trouble finding nouver cuz mini map not working.
level 1 Reallynow
@ReallynowOh i mean, picture guides, showing certain rocks or landmarks. Not videos ^^ like, unusual roads to go to certain farm spots from Vila.
level 1 Yullie
@ReallynowThank you for the wonderful suggestion! We will work on some guides showing how to reach major grind spots in Valencia and will post them as soon as they are done :D
level 1 iplay4us
1. A questions regarding the Rhabams Enlightment: What do you think when we will get them in EU?
2. Dandelion AW Weapon is extremely rare. What do you guys think is the minimum pre order from a +0 to +18 (TRI) weapon?
3. I am a very lazy guy when it comes to lifeskilling as I have only limited time to play the game so I rather be active and grind or do PvP. Will you guys provide a guide with a Worker and node setup for passive income?
Thx in advance.
level 1 Yullie
@iplay4us1. Kamasylvia Part 2 and the Mystic were updated in the KR server before Rabam's Enlightenment. So if the order of updates goes the same, Rabam's Enlightenment will be updated in the EU server later this year. However, Rabam's Enlightenment just adds two new skills to each character and is not as big as a new class or a new region. So there is a chance that EU will get it during this fall or early winter.
2. As you mentioned, Dandelion weapons are extremely rare and the prices vary according to the popularity of each class. For a popular class, the pre-order price for +0 Dandelion is about 1 billion and the price goes much higher for TRI Dandelion. Someone once failed to get it with pre-order even though he/she placed 1.6 billion for pre-order.
There are a few ways to make pre-ordering successful. One thing you can try is to receive pre-order/Marketplace registration and increase your pre-order price by 10 million everytime you fail to get the item. Another way is to pre-order +2 to +15 weapons, which are not as popular as +0 and TRI weapons, to minimize competition. -
level 1 Yullie
@iplay4us3. Crate trading is a good source of passive income. It's hard to give you all the details through comments so we'll give you a brief guide on how to trade Crates.
1) Buy a Lodging in Port Epheria and hire Workers. Use Energy to hire Professional Workers.
2) Expand your storage in Calpheon using CP, and also buy a Timber Workshop in Calpheon. (Packaging crops Crop Workbench will also make a good amount of silver)
3) Send your Workers to the Forest Nodes near Calpheon to gather the raw materials for Crates. You will need three kinds of timber: Birch (north of Calpheon), Fir (southwest of Calpheon), and Cedar (north of Trent)
4) If you have collected enough timber, and start making plywood. Put the plywood you made and Black Stone Powder in the warehouse to start making Crates. Make sure you send your Workers in Epheria to Calpheon to work in the Workshop, to get the distance bonus.
5) Bring the Crates to Valencia for maximum profit. For desert trade buffs, please refer to one of our guides: https://www.invenglobal.com/blackdesertonline/articles/1810/bdo-guide-50-markup-with-one-single-buff-a-way-to-become-a-magnate-with-the-desert-trade-buff
level 1 Plink_Plonk
Come across an interesting problem - getting knowledge on Lake Kaia monsters - in particular the Water Strider. I have literally killed hundreds of the little buggers and still no knowledge. I am using my main weapon or AW weapon - is this a correct method to use to get the knowledge?
On an associated point - I could use a bookshelf to gain this knowledge but have not found any way to acquire this item. Could you tell me how? I am on the EU server.
level 1 Marko
@Plink_PlonkIts a huntable monster- you need to use a musket to gain knowledge on the topic of strider :(
level 1 Yullie
@Plink_PlonkAs the others mentioned, you need to use a Hunting Musket to get Water Strider Knowledge. (Try putting it in the quick slot.) Attack Water Striders until their HP is low, and finish them with a Hunting Musket.
For Bookshelves, you can either make one or buy one from the Pearl Shop. If you are going to make one yourself, go toAnnolisa Rosie, select Knowledge Management, and create a Knowledge Bookshelf.
You will need some silver to create the Knowledge Bookshelf, and the price goes down if you have higher grade Knowledge. Also, you will lose some Knowledge in the category you choose to transfer to a Bookshelf, resulting a decrease in your maximum Energy. You need to have all the Knowledge in a specific category to make a Bookshelf for that category.
The Bookshelf will be added to your inventory once you make it, and can be placed inside your residence. You will get “interior points” by placing a Bookshelf, and have a chance to gain Knowledge from it. However, there is a chance that you will not get the Knowledge you want, so making a Bookshelf by yourself is not recommended.
Another way is to purchase a Bookshelf from the Pearl Shop. Go to Pearl Shop - Interior - Furniture - Furniture Set. Be careful when you are buying a Furniture Set, since not all Furniture Sets have a Bookshelf in them. Check the detailed item list before you purchase one.
If you don’t want a Furniture Set, you can purchase a Bookshelf separately. It will cost 300 Pearls. Once your character starts reading a book from a Bookshelf, your character will enter “Reading a book” status, and you will be able to switch to your alternate character. -
level 1 Plink_Plonk
@YullieI'm not sure this is correct information.
I also have been trying to get the Water Strider knowledge and, as the OP, I have also killed masses of the things, both with my main weapons (at level 55, they are not even a 1-shot) and also with the hunting matchlock.
An interesting thing happens with any item that is meant to be hunted with the matchlock (and as all muskets are now matchlocks) such as when I farm the freshwater crocs - the level % rises. However, when I shoot a water strider with the matchlock, there is no increase on level %, even though I get an indicator that the kill has given me XP AND there is a durability decrease on the matchlock.
I'm seriously thinking the bookcase might be the only way to get knowledge on this.
level 1 Yullie
@Plink_PlonkTry borrowing Practice Matchlock from Merio (the NPC at North Kaia Ferry) and then hunting Water Striders with it. If you don't get the Knowledge before the durability becomes 0, return it and borrow it again. I'm sorry I can't tell you how long it will take as it's all RNG :(
Let me know if you have any other questions and I'll be happy to help you!
level 1 Marko
Whats your opinion on the gms and developers of the game so far?
Is the current opinion of players same for the second awakening as to the post that was posted earlier?
How many chimney sweeps does it take to gain 500 energy?
How much cp did they gain after boosts that came out with kama?
Jokes aside ty for all the guides and translations, i like seeing the differencese and opinions of korea and eu/na
level 1 Yullie
@MarkoOne joke among KR players is that Pearl Abyss has abducted some aliens with higher technology to work for them and that’s why they develop things really fast.
Not many KR players liked the 2nd Awakening (Skill Enhancement) when it first came out, but it underwent several buffs and is getting better. Some players are looking forward to having more 2nd Awakening skills, as the newly added 2nd Awakening skills are pretty good. (https://www.invenglobal.com/blackdesertonline/articles/2904/bdo-kr-players-comment-on-the-recent-balance-update-and-skill-enhancement-part-2)
For Chimney Sweeps, did you mean CP instead of Energy? Even in the KR server, only a few players have 500 CP… Maybe you’ll get 500 CP from Chimney Sweeps if you do the quest until the day you die…?
For your last question, are you asking about the CP you gain from Kamasylvia Part 2 daily quests? If you could be more specific with that question we would greatly appreciate it :) We’ll post a reply again once we have the answer to your question! -
level 1 Ikrekot
@YullieAbout This 500 energy and Chimney Sweeps. Check this video
https://youtu.be/HC4r_PBB_8Y?t=6m -
level 1 Marko
@Yullie@Yullie this is what i was talking about, it seems you arent up to date, so in short this was from the recent GMs official stream :(
About This 500 energy and Chimney Sweeps. Check this video
Ikrekot- 2017-09-13 06:42:16 -
level 1 Yullie
@Marko Oh... now I get it. My apologies :(I'll try my best to stay up to date from now on ;) Thank you for letting me know about this!
level 1 N0rthWind
I am a (former?) Musa main, mostly interested in PVP. I very much liked the playstyle, combining damage and speed, however in practice it actually has neither of those (nor anything else to offer, sadly). I hate grinding, so I don't want to have to get more gear than any other class to be able to do the same damage.
What are some good options right now? I prefer male classes.
Striker seems very intriguing, fast and stylish just like Musa was supposed to be, however I've heard from some people that his damage is a bit low/slow, and also that his i-frames and defenses have holes that can be exploited. I'm also worried that Mystic is going to completely outclass Striker, especially in terms of PVP and damage output.
Ninja looks badass but from what I understand, they need even more gear than Musas.
Then there's Wizard, but I find their gameplay rather boring since they don't really have "combos", they just spam skills until the target's dead.What would you recommend from these options? Thanks :)
level 1 Yullie
@N0rthWindSavage Rift is a good way to get some silver and exp if you don’t like grinding. Surely it’s hard to have fun and efficiency at the same time :( I guess you have to decide between having the fun playstyle and cool moves of a character, and having the general efficiency that comes from a “good” character. But fortunately, the Striker underwent several buffs and is one of the high-tier classes now. He's getting more popular. Actually it’s the Mystic that was outclassed by the Striker. The Ninja was revamped in the last KR update to consume less WP and recover more HP, although there were no changes in the damage that the Ninja deals. Everyone is looking forward to seeing more buffs for the Ninja!
level 1 N0rthWind
@YullieI haven't yet had the time to try it out, but it sure does sound like a challenging alternative to mind-numbing grinding! :D
Hearing that Striker is one of the high-tier classes is good, because I've started leveling one as well as watching lots of PVP footage and I feel like I'm going to enjoy it a lot. That's why I'm worried about it not having high enough damage, or Mystic getting buffed to the point of surpassing Striker's damage. From what I can see, though, Mystics are more focused towards speed, defense and control rather than CC-chains and raw damage, and I hope it stays that way. :3
And yes, even though I will probably not end up maining a Ninja, I believe their Awakening is one of the most impressive ones - and normally I don't even care for katanas that much. I sure hope they end up in a good spot! :D
level 1 Yullie
@N0rthWindI love Ninja Awakening too! I'm not a Ninja main but hope they get some decent buffs in the near future xD
level 1 BlackRuins
1) When you make a post about KR players comments on balance changes, do the Devs read these comments or at least acknowledge some of them? How connected is PA with the KR community (I know for sure they aren't for EU/NA). Do they listen to any suggestions or do they just do what they want. Also do they respond to any comments/opinions to certain patch notes?
2)) How good is leveling at kama from lvl 60 to 61?
level 1 Yullie
@BlackRuins1) As BDO Inven KR is the biggest BDO community in Korea, Pearl Abyss has always been monitoring Inven KR since the CBT. Some well-known issues and bugs first broke out in Inven KR and they were fixed right after. That being said, we believe that PA is aware of the issue regarding class balances. It is hard for us to know the direction of updates that PA has planned, but judging from the previous updates, PA is listening to the players. Some changes that were made before were based on the community's opinions.
2) Among the grind spots added in Kamasylvia Part 2, the most efficient spot for level 60 or above characters is Gyfin Rhasia Temple. It's kind of hard to solo, and players usually group up to grind in Gyfin Rhasia Temple. You need about 240 Awakening AP and high DP to grind in the spot. You can make a good amound of silver and farm exp at the same time. -
level 1 BlackRuins
@YullieAlso is there a plan for Inven NA/EU so that PA can see direct comments/opinions from us to them. Many of us feel like there is a wall between us and them. Kakao (NA/EU publishers) has tried to make a bridge but that's usually rare and when they do, they ask PA stupid questions like costumes and not like when will we get 5 pets, FPS issues, etc. The biggest problem I see with this is the language barrier but surely you can translate it for us.
~Thanks so much
level 1 Meii
@BlackRuinsThat is a great idea! Thank you! I mean, we all enjoy playing BDO even if our servers and countries may differ. We will consider how we’ll be able to let Pearl Abyss know NA/EU user reactions and their comments. It would also be nice if we prepare a separate section for BDO players to write comments on for Pearl Abyss to see! We will try our best to be that bridge for you all! ^v^
level 1 flashfree
Judging from what you have witnessed from Mystic's performance in PVP, what do you think will be enhanced/buffed?
level 1 flashfree
@flashfreeAnd will Ninja ever get that forward block on Serpent Ascension for large scale pvp?
level 1 Yullie
@flashfreeMystic buffs are coming! Mystic underwent some revamps today. Her overall damage output increased and her mechanics were adjusted to work better. I think we need more tests on PvP to see Mystic's performance after today's patch, but she got better in PvE.
level 1 Yullie
@flashfreeAnd about Ninja's forward guard on Serpent Ascension... well, there were no buffs for Ninja today so... in my opinion, chances are pretty low... :(
level 1 Reallynow
I would like to ask for opinion (yours and generally how the KRplayers) about Mystic. How she performed in 1v1, maybe against striker? I'm sure that's the biggest question us western players wish to know about mystic now. How s her roles and survivabilityin medium and large scale wars?
Personally, I'm in Finland but I play in NA servers. I suffer with pings around 150ms. Do you think I can still enjoy the game and somewhat high level pvp as mystic? I had no problem with low levelled pvp before tho.
level 1 Yullie
@ReallynowMystic's biggest strength is high magic defense. Mystic is not bad in 1vs1 PvP, although not as good as Striker. She has a lot of super armor/forward guard skills but has only one grab skill so it's hard to initiate a good combo. Striker is better in the current meta. Striker has two grab skills and underwent many buffs in the past few months.
Mystic's role in medium and large scale PvP is mainly debuffs and pulls. Her awakening skills can debuff enemies or pull them towards her. As you know, Wizards&Witches are powerful in large scale PvP. Mystic can survive well due to her high magic defense.
150 ms ping sounds hard to deal with x..x As Mystic is a character that needs smooth combo and has to use super armor skills at the right moment, it might be hard for you to play high level PvP :(
Thank you! :D
level 1 Marko
Do you plan to do an Accuracy overhaul guide some time in the future?
Lots of people are having troubles with chosing what they should use and after the recent accuracy patches the old guides are mostly obsolete and need some renovation to bring up to date.
Is there any way to communicate and bring KR closer to EU/NA?
level 1 Meii
@MarkoAccuracy is an effect that does give us headaches when setting our gear, and there have been some changes to it, too. It would be too long to post in the comment section, so we’ll write it on a separate post.
Although there are differences with the update order or environment, KR, NA, EU BDO players all enjoy playing this game. We are trying our best to provide KR news & information to players on the NA/EU server, so that they can get what they need without any inconvenience brought about by language barriers. It would be totally great if we all could talk about BDO together and communicate! Feel free to leave any ideas you come up with, we are always open to listening to you all :D -
level 1 Marko
@MeiiYeah, i meant as a new post, i have an comprehension of how it works, but after talking to people from different classes i realised that i would need alot more knowledge to be able to help other classes in my guild, also what @blackruins said, something like a QnA stream or monthly read the peoples messages column would be nice, but for it to be run by PA so that we can communicate with the developers.
level 1 Tash
Hi! Can you help me with one question? Is Gryphon’s and Giath’s helmets have different DR/EV balance, or just +3 DR +5% ER instead 100 HP? Thank you!
level 1 Yullie
@TashGryphon's and Giath's Helmets have the same DR/EV value. KR players have ran number of tests and have concluded that the two helmets have the same defensive efficiency. You can just choose between DR+Resistance or 100 HP :D
level 1 BlackRuins
Regarding the 2nd awakening skills, does PA realise the number one reason why pre-awakened skills aren't used is because it has no protection (super armor, forward guard or iframe). This is specially significant in large scale battles (node war, GvG, siege). With the amount of random AoE CC skills being spammed its almost impossible to use skills that don't have protection. And as we all know CC almost always means death. As musa main I look at these second awakening skills and think these are as useless as pre-awakening skills since they have no protection.
level 1 Yullie
@BlackRuinsWe believe that PA is aware of the problem. A lot of players have been telling the devs about it, and some 2nd Awakening skills do have forward guard/super armor. Unfortunately, Musa's 2nd Awakening skills are not considered useless at the moment as they don't have any protection. On the other hand, Maehwa's 2nd Awakening skills have iframe&forward guard and are pretty useful... :(
level 1 Kajisan
As Roleplayer, coming with a long history of playing MMO's like Ultima Online, i am really missing some "group" features to share things like Boat controlling, let people visit the Villa you can rent and other little additions like
colored player names option in chat + chat logging (having RP with more than 4-5 people is hardcore with just having grey text color). Is there something along the road like this? Warm greetings from Germany, you're doing a great job.
level 1 Yullie
@KajisanThank you for the warm compliment!
Other than partying up to grind in high level spots (e.g. Gyfin Rhasia Temple in Kamasylvia Part 2) and Savage Rift, there are no real group content at the moment. However, a new Ocean Raid Boss, Vell, is in the pipeline and will soon come to KR. We don't know how many players are required or what they should do to hunt Vell, but we hope Vell can be a new and fun group content for everyone :D
There were some changes in the chat window in some recent updates like adding an icon that indicates chat type (World, Guild, Party, etc.) next to each line, but there are no changes regarding what you have mentioned :( -
level 1 Kajisan
@YullieThank you for the warm and fast response! :) We're all excited here to explore Kamasylvia soon!
level 1 Kaddey_Hawkeyes
How's the accuracy really works? :o
level 1 Yullie
@Kaddey_HawkeyesAccuracy is determined by each character's base stats, gear setting, skills, elixirs, and food.
According to many tests, each character has different base Accuracy. Even Musa&Maehwa/Ninja&Kuno have different base Accuracy, even though they are just gender counterparts of each other.
Some Accuracy buffs have numerical values (gear, elixir, food, etc.), but not all of them do. The best example would be the "increased Accuracy" in Kzarka weapons. We still don't know the exactly how much Accuracy does Kzarka weapons give, and there are still a lot of tests to find out these hidden stats.
Some skills have their own Accuracy buffs. For example, Warrior's Ground Roar IV gives +10% Accuracy. These kind of buffs can be huge.
Accuracy is also affected by the difference between your level and enemy's (player or monster) level. For example, your Accuracy will drop significantly against the monsters that appear in purple. In this case, most of your attacks won't hit. The same rule applies in PvP, although the Accuracy drop in PvP is not as big as in PvE.
Each class needs different amount of Accuracy, and recommended Accuracy for PvP and PvE is also different. In PvP, your Accuracy must be higher than enemy's Evasion in order for your skills to hit the enemy, so for most cases Accuracy is more important in PvP than in PvE.
level 1 Renamon_Zeta
maximum number of Guild Galley per guild black desert?
Is there any limit to build?