SSG Ruler wants a Xayah skin when he wins the World Championship
On September 2nd (KST), after defeating kt Rolster 3-0 in the finals of the Regional Qualifer, Jaehyuk "Ruler" Park started streaming on Twitch and reviewed the match together with his fans. He also talked about the team in general and himself.
We know Ruler isn't afraid to speak out about an overpowered champion, as we've seen him talk about how Caitlyn was "the most broken champion in all of League". In the stream, he considers Kalista to be in that level of "brokenness". Saying how it's even difficult to be irrelvant in game with Kalista and how she kills tanks really well, "I think Kalista is the newest broken champion in the summer split. I wasn't too good with her in the beginning, but got much better as I practiced."
When asked about whether he wants to get a skin for Varus when he wins the Worlds, he answered how he wants a Xayah skin instead, which was a champion that he did well in the Qualifiers.
He also talked about the final game of the match, where SSG managed to win even after losing all 3 inhibitors. "We managed to survive due to our team composition, but obviously it's not easy to win after losing all inhibitors." He thanked his teammates for tanking and holding the line so that he could fight well.
From a Bronze player who didn't know anything about Runes nor Masteries to a world-class ADC, Ruler's journey to become the best will continue in this year's World Championship.
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