Having an IQ of 200 may or may not help playing League, but having first place in Solo Queue will definitely help Immortals' Pobelter play against Team SoloMid tomorrow in the finals of NA LCS.
On September 2nd (PDT), Pobelter tweeted out "back to rank 1! time to rest up for our finals match tomorrow" and a screenshot of his LoL account that shows him placing first in the NA Server. The tweet was met with his enthusiastic fans congratulating him and wishing him good luck for the finals.

Pobelter has always been a diligent player when it comes to SoloQ, and there were even times when four of top 10 accounts in NA SoloQ was his alt accounts. Also, we remember him reaching Challenger in a very short time when he came to Korea for boot camp.
While SoloQ does not necessarily translate to success in matches, LCK saw Longzhu's PraY reaching first place in SoloQ and winning the split as well; and SKT's Untara went on his long undefeated streak after reaching first place in SoloQ. With the conclusion of NA LCS coming within 24 hours, it won't be long before we find out whether we can add another SoloQ success story that also became the championship success.
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